Text A. European Degree Scheme
The University of Essex offers a five-year scheme of study within Europe, which is run in conjunction with Universities in West Germany and France. The aim of the scheme is to combine high levels of scientific and technological competence with a European awareness. It is hoped to develop versatile engineers, competent in their profession, aware of the scientific and cultural background of the participating countries, and adaptable to working in a European environment. It is envisaged that engineers with this training will be in great demand by both national and international organizations within the European Economic Community. The scheme consists of three basic years spent at the student’s home University; Essex student will be offered to register for one of the scheme to qualify for the degree of B.Sc. This will be followed by one year of advanced and specialized courses at one of the participating overseas Universities and by one-year industrially oriented project at the other University. Hence students will have spent in three member countries of E.E.C. At the end of the scheme successful students will obtain a M.Sc. together with a European diploma signed by all three Universities. During the initial three years, B.Sc. students will be given the opportunity of attending French and German language classes. At the beginning of each year abroad there will be a one-month intensive language program in the country concerned. Places on the scheme will be limited and selection will be made in the third year, on the basis of competence both in engineering and in languages. Note: be run in conjunction with – совпадать.