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Text E.

Information is derived from a great number of different sources, but undoubtedly the largest volume of new information is generated from research activity, the objective of which is to solve some of the problems that confront society. Of course, it is also possible to produce new information from existing material through the application of a variety of computing techniques. But information produced in these ways is both costly and time consuming to produce. Because of its cost, new information has to be stored in special archives and libraries for use by others. Each year the volume of stored information increases greatly. It has been calculated that the volume of recorded knowledge doubles approximately every 20 years. One of the main tasks of research and development in information technology is to provide technique and equipment capable of helping to control this “information explosion”.

One of the forms of information storage is electronic one, so-called electronic journal. In addition to being compact it is simple to up-to-date.

Because of the importance of holding information in this way, much research has been devoted to investigating the use of electronic journal and book as a means of distributing reference documents and the results of research activity.

The other forms are video discs or optical disc equipment, satellites and fiber optic networks. Two types of communication resources are very likely to greatly influence developments in information technology over the next decade: optical fibers and satellite systems.


Exercise 1.Think of the questions the answers to which are these statements:

The research activity is the most important means to solve the problems the society confronts.

There are different forms of storing and producing information, but most of them are costly and time consuming.

The scientists calculated that the volume of information doubles every 20 years.

This research is necessary to control “information explosion”.

Some of the forms are traditional and rather well-developed, the others are new and very promising (многообещающие).

The most interesting and promising forms of recorded knowledge holding are satellite systems and fiber optic network equipment.

These forms are likely to change information technology in the beginning of the next century.


Exercise 2.Read and practice the following short dialogues:


I’d like to work in the laboratories of our University.

I need your advice.

What field would you like to specialize in? There’re a lot of very

interesting ones.

You see I’m interested in fiber optics. It seems so new and interesting.

You ‘re right. This field is very promising.


I need some more information on different forms of information storage.

I think you should consult our professor.

Does he work at the research laboratory developing these problems?

Certainly, he does. He leads the most interesting experiments.


Exercise 3.Make up short dialogues doubting the facts given below. You may use the speech formulas:

Do you believe? Are you sure? Do you really think so?
Are you certain? So, I don’t think so  


In 20 years the world may have an ‘information explosion’.

The traditional information processing technique is costly and time-consuming.

The electronic journal concept offers a great contribution to solving source of the problems of the information technology.

Research laboratories must provide experimental data to build up new theories.

Before the scientists start the experiment they have to solve many problems.

Every specialist must be able to get any information of the subject he is interested in at the shortest time possible.

The experiment on optic fibers is very specific and highly technical and it can be carried out at the University laboratory.

At present the problem of video discs can’t be solved because of many limitations.


Exercise 4.Summarize the following in English and report this information to your groupmates.

Если учеными мира не будет решена проблема переработки и хранения данных результатов всей исследовательской деятельности, то уже через несколько десятилетий человечество столкнется с таким явлением, как «информационный взрыв».

Поэтому одной из основных задач научных исследований и разработок является обеспечение таких методов и оборудования, такой технологии, которая смогла бы помочь управлять этим «информационным взрывом». Для этого имеется много возможностей и направлений.

Большая работа ведется в области хранения информации в электронной форме – электронных журналах. Однако возможные новые два типа связи (communication) в следующем десятилетии должны значительно повлиять на информационную технологию. Это оптические волокна и спутниковые системы.

Использование этих достижений, несомненно, даст много новых подходов к трудовой деятельности, отдыху, образованию, которые можно будет осуществлять дома.

Таковы некоторые области и направления работы научно-исследовательских лабораторий и учреждений.


Exercise 5. Discuss the following problems in small groups. The speech formulas given below may be used to express understanding or misunderstanding during the discussions.

“Information explosion” problem. Means of holding information.

Experimental works and developments of the new forms of the information processing and storage.

The new approaches to work, leisure and education due to these developments.

I see.I understand. Do you mean to say that…I didn’t quite get it.

Excuse me, I don’t quite follow you.

Exercise 6. Reports and projects.

Arrange for a scientist to talk to your group. If it is not possible, let a student of the group visit and interview a scientist. Find out why the scientist chose science as a career. What kind of work does he or she do?

Are you interested in a career in ecology, sociology, management, radio-electronics, computers, economics, architecture etc? Consult your University or local library (museum) for career books or pamphlets describing jobs in your field. Report to the group.

Read a biography of a scientist who worked (works) in your field of science. Write a short summary.

Prepare a report on the most prominent scientific breakthrough in your field of science. Discuss your ideas in the group.

What do you think are the most important scientific problems in your career field? Hold a discussion.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 431. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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