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Ten Wonders of the Modern World

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were gigantic statues or architectural splendors. Journalist Leslie Lieber conducted a survey of distinguished scientists to find out what they would name as the wonders of the modern age. Their answers are summarized below.

Electromagnetic wave theory. Radio, television, radar, and other wonders of the electronic age rest on a series of mathematical equations first written by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864.

Palomar telescope. The 200-inch Hale reflector at Palomar Mountain in California has enabled man to get his first realistic estimate of the size and age of the universe.

Electron microscope. This powerful instrument magnifies particles up to 200,000 times. It is laying the foundation for extended knowledge of disease, heredity, and the basic structure of many materials.

Controlled release of atomic energy. Atomic reactors vastly multiply man’s available energy. Giant proton accelerators are helping to unlock the secrets of the basic structure of matter.

Laser: The laser permits light to transmit signals, drill through hard substances, and fight disease.

Transistor. The tiny transistor, replacing relatively bulky electron tubes, permits the development of highly complex electronic systems necessary in space research, communication, and modern computers.

Electronic computers. These amazing memory machines not only perform a wide range of practical tasks, such as preparing paychecks and utility bills, but also aid man in making decisions hitherto impossible.

Bioelectronics. New hope for heart disease patients exists in the form of the electronic circuit with miniaturized parts capable of maintaining a regular heartbeat.

Biochemistry. Scientists in this field have contributed to man’s knowledge of vitamins, antibiotics, and most recently, the chemical basis of heredity in their study of the chemistry of life.

Man’s own possibilities. The philosopher-scientist points to discoveries of man’s potentialities, such as the possibility of applying scientific knowledge to technological improvements, of erasing discrimination and social evils, and – hopefully – of controlling war.


B. Interview your group-mates to find out their opinion about the wonders of the modern world. Here are some questions you can ask:


What can you say about the listed wonders?

Do you agree with scientist about the wonders of the modern age?

Which of the listed wonders do you think are the most important to the world?

Would you add to the list or shorten it?

Is information up-to-date?

Do you think there are any other things and ideas that may be named as the wonders of the modern world?

Which of the listed wonders do we use everyday and consider a common thing nowadays?

Think of some other questions.


Exercise 6. Small-group discussion.

In 1930 television appeared in various countries of the world. A single invention like television can create far-reaching cultural and social changes. Nowadays there are lots of debates about advantages and disadvantages of TV. Is TV doing more harm or good?


Read the arguments given in the table. Think of some more. (Consult the picture on page 141.)

TV is doing more good TV is doing more harm
We can be very informed We can enjoy ourselves without leaving our homes. We can study with the help of TV courses.   Watching TV takes a lot of time. We get very lazy and passive in our free time. Sometimes we prefer TV to reading books.


Discuss the problem in groups of 4-6 students in order to make a decision.

Fill in the chart and give your reasons.

  Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
TV is doing more good        
TV is doing more harm        


Exercise 7. Reports and Projects.

Describe some of changes brought about by one of the following recent inventions:

lasers, b) computers, c) communication satellites

Look up the evolution of the automobile (airplane, spaceship) in books and in the encyclopedia. Is it a product of one man?

List the three great inventions, which you think have meant most to the world. Are they materials, objects or ideas? Discuss in class.

Interview a scientist (inventor) from your University, ask him/her about and his/her invention’s and scientific work. Report your findings.

Visit the University or local Museum and collect information about inventors who worked in your University or region. Write a short essay.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 455. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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