A guide to doing export business in Japan
s Be prepared … important cultural and language difficulties. This may seem obvious but some businessmen try to get by … Japan … hiring a good interpreter who can also explain Japanese traditions and customs. s Trade … personal contact … a senior level. This is more important that trading … price. s Patience pays dividends. It may take several visits before an order comes …. s Quote … local currency. s Emphasise your product’s country … origin. s Offer gifts. However, it is not the value … the gift, but the fact it is a present … you that counts. (for, in (2), without, on (2), at, through, of (2), from)
Exercises in Comprehension
Ex.1. Answer the following questions: 1. What should a businessman know before starting business abroad? 2. In which country is it not recommended to discuss business over dinner? 3. In what countries will you never make written contracts? 4. Where do they change written contracts as conditions do? 5. What is considered polite in the USA? 6. What behaviour is usual in Japan and Korea? 7. In which country do they avoid saying “no” directly? 8. You shouldn’t bring liquour to an Arab house. Why? 9. What gifts are not acceptable in China? 10. Should you not criticize royalty in Great Britain? 11. In which country should you shake hands? 12. Is the custom of giving tips still common in many countries? 13. When do you tip and how much?