Computer generations
- There are four generations of computers, aren’t there? - No, there exist …. - …? - There are five generations of computers, which differ not only in their hardware, but also in their software, their capability and organization. - What was the main technical characteristic of the first computer generation? - The first computer generation was the vacuum tube machines. - What ability was it known by? - This generation was known by the ability to handle problems in computation which were considered unsolvable in a practical sense. - …? - With increased use of computers, their structure changed to meet new needs. - What new hardware elements are the second-generation computers based on? - The second generation is known to have higher speed and improved reliability provided by new hardware elements such as semiconductors. - What kinds of problems could they handle? - They could handle different kinds of problems by completing one type and then automatically switching to another type in sequence. - which generation computers are based on the monolithic integrated circuits? - The third generation computers are based on new hardware elements such as the monolithic integrated circuits. - What are these machines characterized by? - They are characterized primarily by the ability to perform several jobs, of different types concurrently and in real time. - Which computer generation is known to have higher speed and improved reliability? - …. - Were can you find microprocessors? - …. - Is a single chip far more powerful than ENIAC or not? - …. - What does the term the Fifth Generation describe? - It describes …. - which are the key areas of ongoing research: artificial intelligence (AI), expert systems, natural language and decision making? - …. 3.17 Define the parts of speech & translate these words. Organize, organization, unorganized, organized, organizing, organizer; consider, considerable, considerate, consideration, considering, unconsidered; improve, improvement, improved, improving; require, requiring, required, requisite, requisition, request, requirement; fulfil, fulfilled, fulfilling, unfulfilled, fulfillment; memory, memorize, memorialize, memorial, memorable, memorandum, memoranda, memo, memento, memoir, immemorial; storage, store, storehouse, storekeeper, store-room; arithmetic, arithmetical, arithmetician; conduct, conductive, conductivity, conduction, conductor, semiconductor, nonconductor, superconductor.