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A) notional, b) auxiliary, c) modal, d) a part of a set phrase.

1. A new automatic digital computer has been developed by the scientists of the Moscow University. 2. A computer is organized like a railroad system that has five main stations: input, storage, arithmetic, control units and output. 3. Computing machines in general had to perform arithmetic operations. 4. I have a personal computer. 5. I have got an up-to-date machine. 6. I have already had it for two weeks. 7. He has just had a shower. 8. They have to reboot their computers. 9. Have you got proper hardware for your work? 10. Do the students have to take off their coats when they are working in the computer laboratories? 11. Are they having dinner? 12. Before I was admitted to the University I had been working as a computer operator at a computing center for two years. 13. The center had had only mainframe computers at that time. 14. There had not been any minicomputers then; one machine had occupied a whole big-sized room. 15. They said they had never been to such a well-equipped University before. 16. Do you have to pay for your studies?

3.22 Define the -ed form & translate the sentences.

1. The method described in his paper helped to increase the speed of operation. 2. Input devices developed in this laboratory operated very well. 3. The new system developed provided great reliability. 4. Information produced by such an output unit as printer is called a hard copy. 5. The electronic device designed by this group of scientists increased the speed of processing information. 6. In the late 1960s, integrated circuits began to be used for high­-speed memory. 7. The trend toward integrated-circuit memory has contin­ued until today, when it has largely replaced magnetic-core mem­ory. 8. The most recent jump in computer technology came with the introduction of large-scale integrated circuits,often referred to simply as chips.9. Whereas the older integrated circuits contained hundred of transistors, the new ones contain thousands or tens of thousands. 10. All these recent developments have resulted in a microprocessor revolution. 11. EDVAC's program was stored in the machine's memory, just like the data. 12. vacuum tubes used in ENIAC made it bulky and expensive. 13. With increased use of computers, their structure changed to meet new requirements.

3.23 Put in the proper words from the following list: analytical, digital, unreliable, sophisticated, solve, core, processor, computations, an integral circuit.

1. The Difference Engine could... equations and led to another calcu­lating machine, the... Engine, which embodied the key parts of a computer system: an input device, a..., a control unit, a storage place, and an output device. 2. Ada Lovelace helped to develop instructions for carrying out... on Babbage machine. 3. J. Atanasoff devised the first... computer to work by electronic means. 4. First-generation computers were..., the main form of memory be­ing magnetic... 5. In the third generation software became more.... 6. What was the name of the first... computer to work electronically? 7. When electricity passed through the..., it could be magnetized as either "off' or "on". 8.A... is a complete electronic circuit on a small chip of silicon.


Text 3C Computers in our country

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