- Public Bills are introduced by a) members of the parliament; b) workers; c) government
- Idea for a bill goes through consultation stage which means that a) they make consultations;
b) collect opinions of different people; c) seek advice of scholars or lawyers.
- The first version of the Bill is called a) White Paper; b) Red Paper; c) Green Paper
- During the first reading the Mps a) debate the bill; b) return the bill; c) vote on the bill to forward it to the next stage.
- Committees’ duties are a) to publish the Bill; b) to examine the details of the Bill; c) to sign the Bill.
- The MPs can see the Committee’s changes during a) the Third stage; b) the Report stage; c) the Consideration stage.
- During the third reading the House of Commons a) debate each amendment; b) consider the bill with all amendments; c) reject all amendments.
- In the House of Lords the Bill a) goes through two stages; b) goes through one stage; c) goes through three stages.
- The Committee stage is different because a) the Lords work together; b) the Lords working all together read the bill line by line; c) the Lords work together for a long time.
- The Lords spot any problems with the meaning or the wording of the bill during a) the Committee stage; b) the Report stage c) the Report and Third stage.
- After the Lords have made their amendments they a) send the Bill to the Queen; b) return the bill to the Commons; c) approve and publish the Bill.
- The Crown always approves the bill because a) this is her role; b) the Parliament represents people; c) the Parliament knows better.