Service Properties Defined from Tests
The properties of a transformer operating under load can be defined from the tests directly conducted on it. If we cause the transformer to carry a load and then change the load amount, the meter readings will indicate the changes both in voltage across the secondary terminals and transformer efficiency. But full-load tests result in a large consumption of power, which grows with the size of a transformer, and call for cumbersome devices such as rheostats, inductors, and capacitors needed to specify its performance at resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads. Besides, the direct tests on loaded transformers give very inaccurate results. Operating characteristics of a transformer can be estimated from the data obtained in short-circuit and open-circuit tests. These tests call for a small amount of power, eliminate the need for bulky equipment, and provide much more accurate measurement results than direct tests. The open-circuit test uses the meters which indicate the primary and secondary voltages, V1 and V2, open-circuit current I 0, and power input P0 absorbed in the core to compensate for the core loss, i.e. P0 = Pc. In the short-circuit test the measured quantities include the short-circuit voltage V sc, primary current equal to the rated current, power Psc received by the transformer to offset the copper loss in the windings at the rated load, i.e. Psc = Pw, resistance Rsc, reactance Xsc, and impedance Zsc of the short-circuited transformer, and also the percentages of impedance voltage vsc, and its active component va and reactive component vx. The data obtained from short-circuit and open-circuit tests allow us to estimate the secondary voltage and transformer efficiency at any load. The percentage drop of the secondary voltage at any load is d v = [(V20 — V2)/V20] x 100 = β (va cos φ2 + vsc sin φ2), where β = I/Ii is the load factor, I is the current at the given load, and φ2 is the phase shift between the secondary voltage and current. The secondary load voltage is V 2 = V 20 (1 — d v /100), where V20 is the open-circuit voltage. Thus, the secondary voltage depends both on the magnitude and the load character. Where the load is inductive in character, the voltage decreases with an increased load, and to a greater extent than when the transformer carries a purely resistive load. At a capacitive load, the voltage grows with the load. Specifying the values of β and φ2, we can determine dv and V2 at any load carried by the transformer without subjecting it to load tests. The efficiency of a transformer is the ratio of the power output P2 to the power input P1 supplied by a power source, η= P2/P1. The input P1 is always higher than the output P2 because a certain amount of energy destined for transformation is lost as heat. The total power losses are equal to the sum of the core loss Pc and copper loss in the windings. Pw. So, the power input can be defined as P1 = P2+PC + Pw. The useful power taken off a single-phase transformer is P2 == F2I2 cos φ2 and that supplied by a three-phase transformer is P2 = Consequently, the efficiency of a single-phase and a three-phase transformer can be written as
The efficiency of a transformer is the highest at the load for which the core loss is equal to the copper loss. The percentage efficiency of modern transformers is very high and reaches 95 to 99.5%. Given the values of power input and power output, it is possible to estimate the power losses in the transformer at each specified value of the output. The core losses in a transformer depend on the grade of steel used for the core, the current frequency, and on the flux density in the core. As the frequency and the flux density remain invariable during transformer operation, the core losses are also independent of the load and remain invariable. The copper losses I2R are load losses in the windings, which appear as heat when current flows in conductors. They are proportional to the square of the load current. Thus, at half load the currents in the winding will be equal to one half the rated value and load losses to one fourth the losses at full load. Specifying the values of φ2, we can estimate the transformer efficiency at any load.