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General. Electric machines find extensive application today in every branch of industry


Electric machines find extensive application today in every branch of industry. They convert energy from mechanical to electrical form and from electrical to mechanical form. The machine converting energy from mechanical to electrical form is known as a gener­ator and that converting from electrical to mechanical form is known as a motor.

The conversion process is essentially reversible, hence a generator can be made to act as a motor and a motor as a generator. An electric machine can also function as a frequency converter, phase converter, dc converter, etc.

Depending on the kind of current they generate or utilize, electric machines fall into two large classes, alternating-current (ac) machines and direct-current (dc) machines. AC machines can be of the single-phase and polyphase types. Of these, the widest uses are made of three-phase synchronous and induction machines and also com­mutator machines which allow for the efficient adjustment of the rotational speed over a wide range.



For its operation, an electric machine depends on electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic forces. Fig. 7.1 illustrates the prin­ciple of operation of an electric machine. If we place a conductor in the magnetic field between the poles of a permanent magnet or an electromagnet and enable it to move under the action of force F1 perpendicular to the magnet lines, an emf will be set up in the conductor, which is equal to E = Blv, where В is the magnetic flux density, l is the length of the conductor cutting the magnetic lines, and v is the speed with which the conductor travels in the magnetic field. The emf generated in the conductor is shown to be in the direction away from the observer, according to the right-hand rule.

If we now connect the conductor to a load, the mf will force the current to flow in the closed loop in the direction of the emf. The current interacting with the magnetic field between the poles pro­duces an electromagnetic force Fe which, according to the left-hand rule, is in the direction opposite to that of the force F1 moving the conductor in the field. When F1 = Fe, the conductor will travel at a constant speed. Consequently, this simplified electric machine converts the mechanical energy expended on the conductor move­ment to the electric energy delivered to an external resistive load and, hence, operates as a generator. This same machine can be made to run as a motor. If we connect the conductor to an external source of emf, the current flowing through the conductor produces an electromagnetic force. Fe which tends to move the conductor in the field as it overcomes the opposing force of a mechanical load.

To increase the emf and electromechanical forces, electric machines are built up with windings that consist of a large number of con­ductors interconnected so that their emfs become additive, i.e. have the same direction. An emf is possible to induce in a stationary conductor by moving the field with respect to it.


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