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Vocabulary. to influence the climate –впливати на клімат

damp - вологий

mild - м’який

to influence the climate – впливати на клімат

to bring a lot of rain – приносити багато дощу

to freeze hard – сильно морозити

to feel the cold more – більше відчувати холод

wet - мокрий

dry - сухий

in the shade – у тіні

evergreen trees – вічнозелені дерева

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text:

The climate of Great Britain

The climate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is damp and mild. Winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. Western winds from the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. They bring a lot of rain to the island. The sea keeps the island warm in winter and it makes the air cool in summer. So, winter is warmer and summer is cooler in the U.K. than in the most European countries.

As a rule, there is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter. Snow never lies on the ground for a long time. The climate of the south of England is milder than the climate of Scotland. The Highlands of Scotland is the coldest part of the country.

When there are 8 degrees of frost in England, the English say, that it is freezing hard. It is so, because British damp climate makes them feel the cold more.

The weather changes very often in Great Britain. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. British people say: “ Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.” All parts of Great Britain get a lot of rain in all seasons.

Spring is the driest season in the U.K. Cold, dry winds blow in spring. It is usually not very hot in summer. There is often a cool breeze from the south-west. But the temperature may rise to 32 degrees in the shade. Some crops and vegetables grow there.

There is a thick fog in autumn or in winter. Thanks to mild climate there are a lot of evergreen trees in Great Britain. The country is always green. Grass grow all the year round. The weather is too cold for birds in winter. They fly away to warm countries.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the climate of Great Britain?

2.What winds influence the climate of Great Britain?

3. What do they bring to the island?

4. What keeps the island warm in winter?

5. What is the difference between the climate of England and Scotland?

6. What grows in Great Britain?

7. Why do the birds fly away to warm countries?


Exercise 5. Decide which of the following statements are false and

which are true:

1. The climate is caused only by the proximity to seas.

2. Spring comes earlier to the north and to the west of Ukraine.

3. The highest rainfall is in the Carpathians.

4. All parts of Great Britain get a lot of rain in all seasons.

5. There is a thick fog in autumn or in winter in Ukraine.

6. Ukraine is always green.

7.. The weather doesn’t change very often in Great Britain.

8. There is always ice on the lakes and rivers in winter.


Exercise 6. Match two parts of the sentences:

1. Summers are rather hot a) as changeable as the English one.

2. There are a lot of evergreen b) temperature was -42ºC in Ukraine.

3. The Ukrainian weather is not c) sleet and it snows.

4. The climate of the eastern part d) for birds in winter.

5. Other countries have a climate, e) and dry in Ukraine.

6. The weather is too cold f) in England they have weather.

7. The rain becomes g) of Ukraine is much drier and hotter.

8. The lowest recorded h) trees in Great Britain.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the words from the box (Доповни речення словами з рамки):

rainfall / Highlands / weather / evergreen /winds / geographical /damp / changeable /agriculture / subtropical / coastline / moderately / driest / mild / rain / influence/

1. The climate of Ukraine depends greatly on its ... position.

2. The Carpathian and the Crimean Mountains protect the country from the bitter....

3. The climate of Ukraine is... continental.

4. It is... only in the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula.

5. Winters in Ukraine are rather... with snowfalls.

6. Early spring has very... weather in Ukraine.

7. The highest... is in the Carpathians.

8. The rains are few on the... of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

9. The climate of Ukraine is very good for the....

10. The climate of the UK is... and mild.

11. Western winds from the Atlantic Ocean... the climate of Great Britain.

12. The... of Scotland is the coldest part of the country.

13. The... changes very often in Great Britain.

14. All parts of Great Britain get a lot of... in all seasons.

15. Spring is the... season in the U.K.

16. Thanks to mild climate there are a lot of.... trees in Great Britain.

Lesson 33. Natural Desasters (Природні катастрофи)

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