The Internet
The (1)... is an international network of computers – it includes electronic mail (e-mail), the World Wide Web (www), discussion groups and online chatting. To go (2)..., you need a (3)..., such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. These programms let you see web pages and (4)... information onto your computer. The (5)... is a collection of web pages. Each page has (6)... to other pages which you can get by clicking on words or pictures. A (7)..., or web page, is a document available on the World Wide Web. To look for information, type key words into a (8)..., such as Google, which gives you a list of useful websites. If you find a good website, you can save it for future reference – put it in your (9) “... “ or (10) “....”.
Exercise 6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question: Exemple: S1: Why do you use the Internet? S: I use the Internet to / in order to.... - buy things - travel - communicate - study - read books - watch films - look for information - look for friends - play games - get ready for the lessons - listen to music - exchange letters
Lesson 46. Mobile Phones: for and against? (Мобільний телефон: друг чи ворог?) Vocabulary: dependent [dɪ'pendənt] – залежний a sleek device [di΄΄vais] – гладкий прилад a multi-functional gadget [΄gæd3it] – багатофункціональна технічна новинка a launch [lɔ:nʧ] - введення, початок update [ Λp΄deit ] - останній, свіжий to access [ ΄ækses] - мати доступ advanced functionalities – передові функції expectations of the customers – сподівання покупців to clamp to their ears – затискати до свого вуха to disturb [dis΄tә:b] – турбувати, заважати, порушувати (спокій) threat [΄Өret] - загроза a scaremongering [skeə(r)΄mʌŋgərɪŋ] – паніка a cell phone [sel] – телефон з камерою a fashion statement [΄steitmәnt]– модне твердження a “cave person” [keiv] - печерна людина category [΄kætig(ә)ri] - категорія a disgust [dɪs'gʌst] - відраза, огида to couple [΄kΛp(ә)l]– сполучати, асоціювати an astonishment [ə'stɔnɪʃmənt] - подив, здивування to bother about [΄boӘә] – метушитися, хвилюватися про to delay meetings [di΄lei] – затримувати, відкладати зустрічі drawback [΄dro:bæk] – недолік, перешкода to deny its huge profits [di΄nai] – заперечувати його гігантські вигоди a button [bʌ̱t(ə)n] - кнопка to spare [speə;] - зберігати to dispose [dɪs'pəʊz] - розпоряджатися a drawback ['drɔ:bæk] - недолік, вада
Exercise № 1. Read and translate the text: Mobile phones: for and against? We are becoming more and more dependent on mobile phones as these small and sleek devices are multi-functional gadgets that help in our day-to-day tasks. With the launch of latest models, you can now keep yourself updated with the latest information. Today, mobile phones are able to send messages and photo images, access the internet and e-mail, play music, games and lots more. We hadn’t thought in our wildest dreams that mobile phones would come with so many advanced functionalities and features. These small gadgets have become an important part of our lives, meeting the ever-growing expectations of the customers. It's become common to see people walking down the street with their phones clamped to their ears, and for some people that phone just never stops ringing. It's disturbing to think that mobile phones might actually be dangerous to our health. Is this threat for real, or is it just scaremongering? It's strange not to have a mobile phone now. Today nobody can imagine his life without a mobile phone. Mobile phone is an essential part of our life. A mobile is a best friend of a person. A cell phone is a fashion statement for a person. Life without a mobile phone is like living without eyebrows…you don’t really need it, but it does improve your image if you have it. Actually, I find that other features are harder to live without. But not having a mobile phone today gets you thrown back into the “cave person” category. People nowadays don’t even ask if you have a mobile phone, they just get down to asking your number and give you this strange look of disgust coupled with astonishment if you tell them you don’t have one. I guess it’s good to have a mobile phone in a way that we become more sociable and we have things, which can be done at the touch of a button, but have we spared a thought of what would happen to the world if all the mobile networks were down for one whole hour? The most important advantage of mobile phones is that you can simply talk to any person wherever you are. As a result you should to bother, for instance, about your relatives. Moreover you are always available to delay meetings or let somebody know if you are late. In addition mobile phones can help fill in your free time. For example, you might play games on it while waiting for the flight. Nevertheless using this kind of gadgets has its own drawbacks. First of all it has bad influence on health. Some statistics claim that if you place three phones round the egg and start calling about five minutes, this egg will be cooked. Different scientists tell us about harm of phones to our hearts, lungs and other organs. All in all, though this wonder of engineering has bad sides we definitely could not deny its huge profits. Try to find someone who dares to throw his phone away, it is impossible.
Exercise № 2. Finish the sentences according to the text: · …as these small and sleek devices… · …mobile phones are able… · …advanced functionalities and features. · It's become common… · It's strange… · …essential part of our life. · …statement for a person. · …today gets you… · …if you tell them you don’t have one. · …, for instance, about your relatives. · In addition mobile phones… · …hearts, lungs and other organs.
Exercise № 3. Answer the questions: Ø Does the technical progress go straight in huge steps? Why? Ø What is a cell phone? Ø What do we dispose of? Ø Does a mobile phone actually make our life better? Explain. Ø What are the mobile phones able to do? Ø What has become an important part of our lives? Ø Might the mobile phones actually be dangerous to our health? Ø What are important advantages of mobile phone? Ø What are disadvantages of mobile phone? Ø Can you throw your phone away? Why? Exercise № 4. Make up seven sentences of your own with following words: a“cave person”, a drawback, dependent, a button, a launch, update, to spare, to access, a scaremongering, a disgust, an astonishment, to spare.