Conclusion. In this practical work key idea was that with the help of the experiments to define weight of unknown bodies
In this practical work key idea was that with the help of the experiments to define weight of unknown bodies, and as their centre of mass. In this practical were used simple and hard in using equipment, which played key role in experiment. Although, hang out, which was given before experiment was started, helped to understand how experiment supposed to be carried. Comparing the experimental and calculated values of the masses and the centre of masses, can be clearly seen, that all results has errors less than 10%. Hence, experiments were done accurate and errors did not done because of human. That means the place, where experiments was done, had some outer forces that make errors. If the values of results less than 10%, that means practical (or experimental) values are found accurate. There few common things, that might to make experiment have errors. First of all, in the Laboratory, where experiments were carried out, had an air conditioner, which could blow the equipment, that means AC made extra force. Hence, the objects, which were used in the experiments was moved specially to compensate force of the AC and stay in equilibrium. The second reason is that mass of the string did not used during the experiments, but mass of the string is the extra mass, which did not include in the experiment. To make results more close to the calculated values, the place where experiments are did should not have any disturbing apparatus (Example: AC), should be used absolutely all masses that would be used in the experiments. Although, can be used another masses with bigger weight than masses before. There are a lot of different variants how to make experiment more success. But according to results and the errors, can be said that experiment done success!