Vocabulary. National[ ]food – национальная еда, традиционная
Local [ ] – местный National [ ]food – национальная еда, традиционная Statement [ ] – утверждение country house -поместье; имение, усадьба herb [ ] – трава, лекарственные травы rosemary [ ] – розмарин thyme [ ] – тимьян, чабрец parsley [ ] – петрушка garlic [ ] – чеснок basil [ ] - базилик ingredient [ ] – ингредиент, составляющая reign [ ] – правление, царствование spice [ ] – специя, острота cumin [ ] – тмин cardamom [ ] – кардамон maize [ ] – кукуруза, маис peanut [ ] – земляной орех, арахис pineapple [ ] – ананас vanilla [ ] - ваниль “Ready – made” – полуфабрикат “take-away” – еда на вынос, готовая Average [ ] – средний Foreigner [ ] - иностранец, незнакомец Trade [ ] – торговля, коммерческая деятельность
2. Read and translate the text in a written form Sandwich Two slices of bread with something put in between – was named after the Earl of Sandwich, John Montague. According to the legend, the Earl of Sandwich was a passionate gambler and would often spend not only days but also nights at the gaming table. Only one thing spoiled his pleasure, the fact that from time to time he had to break off the game to go to eat. So it was that some time around 1762 a new food was created for the Earl which allowed him to eat while he was gambling. This invention was a slice of fried beef placed between two slices of bread. So it was that the Earl, well-fed and with his hands still clean, could continue playing. He might eat without stopping the game and without soiling the fingers.
3. Read the recipe, write the recipe of your favourite dish at home
Chicken salad with grapes (Serve this chicken salad as a sandwich) Ingredients: · 1 to 1 1/2 cups chicken · 8 to 12 red or green seedless grapes, halved(бескосточковый виноград, разрезанный пополам) · 4 tablespoons mayonnaise · 1 rib celery, chopped (порезанный сельдерей) · 1 green onion, with about 2 inches of green, chopped · salt and pepper, to taste · dash(щепотка) curry powder, or to taste, optional Method: Combine ingredients until blended. Spread on bread for sandwiches or arrange on lettuce leaves.
4. Look through the explanations of the food idioms and fill in the gaps in the sentences with the proper idiom To butter both sides of one’s bread – одновременно делать несколько дел To be one’s bread and butter – делать работу, за которую вы получаете деньги To butter sb. up - получить что-то путем подхалимства, лести To be the breadwinner – зарабатывать хорошую зарплату To be full of beans - полный энергии Not to know beans about – не иметь ни малейшего представления о чем-либо To get paid peanuts – получать низкую заработную плату To spill the beans – рассказать кому –то секрет Not to have a bean – быть абсолютно без денежных средств Not worth a hill of beans – пустое дело 1. This employer can’t be trusted - he is sure_______________________ 2. It’s the kids’ party today and they _____________________________ 3. I’m sorry, but he won’t suit because he________________this project 4. She earns the main salary – she is the _______________in our family. 5. He works for one company during the day and at the same time he has a job with another company during the evening – he wants to ________________________ 6. I can’t pay today – I _____________________________________ 7. I don’t write just for fun – it’s my __________________________ 8. _________________ing me up will get you nowhere 9. He _________________. We can hardly make both ends meet. 10. The story you got involved in is ________________________
5. Answer these questions: 1. What is the aim of food for the English people? 2. Do the British have a cult of food? 3. When do British people have supper?
6. Comment on these statements. Translate them. 1. “One should eat to live, not live to eat” 2. “One man’s eat is another man’s poison” 3. On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners”