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Writing. 1) The helicopter is ___ the city


1. Fill in the blanks:


1) The helicopter is ___ the city. 2) The sun is ___ the sky. 3) The sky __ us is blue. 4) The river flows __ the bridge. 5) The temperature today is five degrees ___ zero. 6) There was a small street ___the two buildings. 7) The bench was in the back of the garden, ___the trees. 8) John was ___the street waiting for the bus. 9) They decided to have a rest ___ a big tree ___ side of the road. 10) He thought that it was a good idea to place a table ___ the two windows.


2. Test your knowledge of the prepositions in / at / to / – - showing place and movement.


He lives_____ Karaganda.

She went____ home.

Madi works______ Halykbank.

He went_____ his friend's house.

She arrived______ Manchester for the celebrations.

I'm going to stay_____ home this weekend.

Joanna works_____ the hospital.

Why don't we go_____ the movies tonight?

I'm going to see Mariya_____ France this summer.

I arrived_____ work early this morning.

She came home_______ early.

We stayed______ the Ankara Hotel.

They visited______ England last summer.

She's going to travel_______ Finland this summer.

I'll be______ school later today.


3. Test you knowledge of the prepositions for / while / during:


He's been working_________ three weeks.

I fell asleep_______ the film.

Did you see Dana_______ your holiday?

We talked ______ an hour.

He watched TV______ I cooked.

______ our stay in London, we visited a lot of museums.

What did you do________ you were in London?

I think I need to study German_______ a few months before I go there.

I came up with a great idea_______ I was thinking about my class.

They drove through the countryside_______ they were staying in France.

He was out of work_________ six months before he found a new job.

I broke my finger_________ I was playing squash.

Please, don't interrupt the teacher_________ he is speaking.

Maira broke into tears_______ the film.

Could you hold on_______ a few moments?


4. Test you knowledge of the prepositions in / at / on showing time and date. Choose either in, at or on:

Let's meet at seven o'clock.


He was born _______ July.

I went there _______ 1998.

She'll be at work ________ Thursday.

We met _____Christmas day.

They drove to Astana _______ September 15th.

We arrived in this country _______September.

I love to go shopping ________ Christmas time.

We get up early ____ the morning.

Do you dream _____ night?

What do you like doing _____ weekends?

He's working on his homework ______ the moment.

I lived in Holland ______ the 1990s.

I'll see you _______ a few weeks.

We like going to the cinema _____ Fridays.


5. Put proper prepositions:


1 - She wasn't short, she wasn't tall; she was ___ average height.

2 - What are you going to buy Aliya ___ her birthday?

3 - The police are looking ____ a tall, black man who was seen standing outside the bank just before the robbery took place.

4 - The teacher asked the class to do the exercise _____ the bottom of page 12.

5 - As a child I was always ashamed _______ my parents because they were uneducated.

6 - I was always very good _____ Geography when I was at school.

7 - My uncle specializes in____.

8 - We arrived ____ Taraz at 3.30 in the morning.

9 - I didn't see you _____ the party on Saturday.

10 - There was a lot of coughing _____the performance of Moniusko's 'Fairy Tale' symphony.

11 - He saw her as the most attractive woman ____ the world.

12 - Simon is completely useless ____sports.


6. Put the correct preposition into each space:


1) Sonia gets a bus _____ the morning to go to school.

2) Many tourists shop ____ Government Street ____ the summer.

3) Sue will be ____ the classroom ____ 8:30.

4) Ann went home ____ this morning.

5) Alphonse went ____ skiing ____ 1997.

6) Jennifer watches a movie ____ television ____every Tuesday.

7) I met Donna ____a party Friday night.

8) When the children are ____ bed, let's listen ___ music ___ the radio.

9) I will go ____ Nova Scotia ___ March ___2005.

10) She will call you____ two weeks.

11) The cat stayed ___ the house last night.

12) I went out ____ dinner the weekend.


7. Choose the right preposition:


1) He made his escape by jumping ______ a window and jumping ______ a waiting car.

over / into

between / into

out of / between

out of / into

up to / out of


2) To get to the Marketing department, you have to go ______ those stairs and then ______ the corridor to the end.

over / into

between / into

out of / between

out of / into

up / along


3) I saw something about it ______ television.







4) I couldn't get in ______ the door so I had to climb ______ a window.

through / in

between / into

out of / between

out of / into

up / along


5) She took the key ______ her pocket and put it ________ the lock.

over / into

between / into

out of / in

by / on

up to / out of


6) He drove ______ me without stopping and drove off ______ the centre of town.

from / into

towards / over

along / up

past / towards

in / next to


7) I took the old card ______ the computer and put ______ the new one.

through / in

out of / in

out of / between

out of / into

up / along


8) I went ______ him and asked him the best way to get ______ town.

from / into

towards / over

along / up

by / on

up to / out of


9) It's unlucky to walk ______ a ladder in my culture. I always walk ______ them.

through / in

out of / in

under / around

out of / into

up / along


10) The restaurant is ______ the High Street, ______ the cinema.

through / in

out of / in

under / around

in / next to

up / along

11) Sally left school ______ the age of 16 and went to work ______ a bank.

through / in

out of / in

under / around

in / next to

at / in


12) He jumped ______ the wall and ______ the garden.

over / into

towards / over

along / up

by / on

up to / out of


13) He was driving ______ 180 miles per hour when he crashed ______ the central barrier.

at / into

out of / in

under / around

in / next to

at / in


14) She ran ______ the corridor and ______ the stairs to the second floor.

from / into

towards / over

along / up

by / on

in / next to


15) John is the person standing ______ the window, ______ the woman with the long blonde hair.

at / into

beside / next to

under / around

in / next to

at / in


16) When the bull ran ______ me, I jumped ______ the fence.

from / into

towards / over

beside / next to

by / on

in / next to


17) Look, that car's ______ fire.







18) He saw a parking space ______ two cars and drove ______ it.

over / into

between / into

along / up

by / on

up to / out of


19) Harry comes to work ______ car but I prefer to come ______ foot.

at / into

beside / next to

by / on

in / next to

at / in


20) He took the book ______ the shelf and put it ______ his bag.

from / into

at / into

beside / next to

by / on

in / next to


8. Prepositions of place, direction and time:


I'm Peter and I live ___ Germany. ____ summer I like to travel Italy, because the weather and the people there. Last summer I took a plane ___Munich to Rome. ____ the airport we went to our hotel bus. We stopped ___ a small restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus ___ the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the driver, so we waited ____ the restaurant____ one hour. The driver was walking ____ the small park___ the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very angry ____ him. But my holidays were great. We sat ____ campfires and went dancing ____ the early mornings.

Unit 8


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