Control questions. 1. Give definition for a magnetic induction.
1. Give definition for a magnetic induction. 2. What is a physical meaning of a magnetic intensity? 3. Explain relation between induction and intensity of a magnetic field. 4. Write down and explain the Biot-Savart-Laplace formula. 5. Obtain formula (13.6) for intensity of a magnetic field on an axis of a circular current using the Biot-Savart-Laplace law (13.5). 6. What is magnetic intensity in center of a circular current equal to? 7. Formulate the electromagnetic induction law. How does a phenomenon of electromagnetic induction manifest itself in the laboratory work? 8. How does value of the milliammeter current depend on frequency of the generator signal? 9. Show that value of the milliammeter current is proportional to amplitude of the magnetic field intensity at the point where the indicating coil is placed (if radius of this coil is much less radius of coil A). 10. What is the linearization method? Prove that change (13.7) transforms relationship (13.6) into linear dependence (13.8). 11. Explain why a noticeable deviation from linear dependence
This instruction is worked out by V. Kurbatsky, reader of the physics chair. Reviewer: S. Loskutov, professor of the physics chair.