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Chapter 25

Evie still wasn’t at our dorm when Mason dropped me off a little after ten o’clock. I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to tell her about everything that had happened; I knew she was going to be so excited for me. After showering, I grabbed my e-reader and climbed into bed with the plan of reading until I heard her get home, but I woke up sometime in the early morning hours on top of my e-reader, open to the same page I had begun reading. I guessed my make out session with Mason had taken more out of me than I had originally thought. I realized that I still didn’t know if Evie had made it home okay, so I went to check on her and found her and Max in a mess of limbs, blankets, and pillows in the middle of her bed. I smiled, happy that she had met Max, even if I did feel a twinge of jealousy. They had clicked instantly and had spent every night together since they met except for Sunday, but I knew that I hadn’t been around much either over the past several days.

Wednesday came and went uneventfully; my classes and coursework consumed most of my time. I filled Evie in on my dinner and trip to Mason’s house first thing Wednesday morning at the table over breakfast. She laughed heartily at his “sex coach without the sex” comment and then she told me that I should get rid of the “without sex” part. I rolled my eyes at her, “I’ve known him less than a week, Eves. Plus he’s like not exactly boyfriend material.”

“I didn’t say anything about a boyfriend, Sam. It’s sex, just sex. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be,” she reprimanded me.

“I’m not sure I can do that. I just don’t know how I’ll feel or act afterwards.” I drank the rest of my sweet cereal milk from the bowl.

“Look, all I’m saying is that I bet while you and sexy rocker boy are getting hot and heavy, you really want to have sex with him, but you keep telling yourself that you shouldn’t because it doesn’t fit into some preconceived notion you have about how your first time should be and who it should be with.” Evie downed her cereal milk too. “I just think you should do what your body is telling you to do, whatever feels right in the moment.”

I got up and put both our spoons in the sink while she tossed out paper bowls in the trash. “If I do that, I’ll be giving it up on Friday when I see Mason again, and every time I see him after that.” She turned and raised her eyebrows at me. “I’m just being honest,” I admitted. “I get around him and my panties try to shimmy themselves down my legs, eager for his touch.” After a pregnant pause, we both cracked up as we tried to picture my panties working their own way down my legs. The image was quite humorous and not very flattering.

Thursday’s classes sucked. I wasn’t sure if I had passed a surprise pop quiz in Biology and I broke a flip flop as I was walking to English, so I had spent the rest of the day barefooted. Thankfully, that night Evie and I had our movie date, which greatly improved my mood.

I still hadn’t heard from Dylan and was starting to get a little agitated. I thought that I at least deserved an explanation for what had happened Saturday, but at the same time, if I was being honest with myself, I wasn’t completely sure I wanted to hear it. Ash and I continued to text back and forth every other day or so. We kept up with what was going on in each other’s lives for the most part. BFFs… just like we wanted, right? Ugghhh…

Friday morning greeted me with the text that I had been both anticipating and dreading.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 409. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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