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Вероятностное значение

Для выражения предположения, граничащего с уверенностью, соответствует русским должно быть, вероятно, скорее всего и т.п. В этом значении must может употребляться со всеми формами инфинитива и лишь в утвердительных предложениях.

В значении предположения употребляется и глагол may, однако они не взаимозаменяемы. Если may выражает лишь допущение возможности, то глагол must выражает высокую степень вероятности.

must + Indefinite/Continuous Infinitive выражает предположение, относящееся к настоящему времени. Обычно с Continuous, выражая предположение, что действие происходит в момент речи или на протяжении настоящего периода времени.

I must be getting old. Вероятно, я старею.
They must be waiting for you at the station. Они, должно быть, ждут вас на станции.
А если глагол не употребляется в формах Continuous, то с Indefinite.
Her husband must be still at work. Ее муж, должно быть, все еще на работе.
It must be Mr. Smith. Это, должно быть, м-р Смит.
They must know his address. Они, должно быть, знают его адрес.


must + Perfect (Continuous) Infinitive выражает предположение, относящееся к прошлому.

Jack must have already finished school. Джек уже, должно быть, закончил школу.
They must have forgotten my address. Они, должно быть, забыли мой адрес.
А с Continuous выражает предположение, что действие, начавшееся в прошлом, продолжается до настоящего времени.
They must have been discussing the question for two hours now. Должно быть, они обсуждают эту проблему уже два часа.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences with the modal verb must denoting necessity or obligation.

1. You will clearly understand that all communi­cation between yourself and my daughter must cease immediately from this moment. 2. We must do what we can for Fleming, Pearl. 3. I can't go today, Arthur. There is someone I must see before I leave town. 4. Whatever we do, we mustn't let this thing break our old friendship. 5. What you must understand is that nothing but the truth is going to clear you. 6. I must go as we are din­ing out. 7. She said she was in such a state she must have her hair washed. 8. The critic is there not to feel but to judge. He must hold aloof and keep his self-possession. He must not allow his heart to carry him away; his head must remain well screwed on his shoulders. He must care riot to be­come part of the audience. 9. I was just asking Captain Bluntschli to stay to lunch; but he declares he must go at once, 10. I must go and so must you. 11. My duty is a thing I never do, on prin­ciple. It always depresses me. So I am afraid I must leave you. 12. To get one result you must sacri­fice another, so that to write a play perfect in all its particulars. 13. If you want to get any benefit from an experience you must have an open mind. 14. I must go, I must. I told them I'd be back in half an hour. 15. Pearl: "It's such a pity you must go, Minnie." 16. Come on, Julius. We must find that telegram. 17. "We thought we must come arid see you off," she said. 18. I must walk a bit, I think. I feel so excited.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences with the modal verb must denoting emphatic advice or prohibition.

1. If she upsets herself she has an attack. Dr Barrington says she mustn't be allowed to upset herself. 2. It was impossible and I was going to forbid it absolutely. Judith must not do such a thing! 3. Now, my dear, you mustn't neglect your work the moment my back is turned. 4. Each person must behave in character; that means that he must do what from their knowledge of him they expect him to do. 5. We mustn't be narrow-minded. 6. I suppose you've come to tell me that they have told you that you must never see me again. 7. Oh, my dear, you mustn't feel offended. 8. Ernest: "I shall be cross with you, Duchess. You don't pay any attention to what I say. You must give your mind to it." 9. In your own interest, Sir Robert, to say nothing of mine, you must not do that. 10. You must not do that on any account. 11. I am talking very seriously. You mustn't laugh. I am quite seri­ous. 12. Now listen. You must trust to our hos­pitality. You do not yet know in whose house you are. I am a Petkoff. I must tell you my father holds the high­est command of any Bulgarian in our army. 13. You must come and see me, and you shall tell me all the news of home. 14. You must come to us one evening. 15. You mustn't blame Arnold. It's my fault. 16. Then you'll understand. You'll understand why you mustn't say, even impulsively, that you'd change places with me or anyone. 17. You mustn't take things too seriously. 18. Jane, you must wake up. David's ill. 19. "Where did you get that candy?" she asked. "We mustn't eat candy in the morning."

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences with the modal verb must denoting supposition.

1. Sid must have rung up the Vicarage and said they were coming, because their rooms were all ready, and a nice meal too. He must have done it when they were waiting for their train. 2. It had been a large crew and he must have known them all by their names. Conway didn't 3. But his smile had suffered through lack of use and she must have seen that there was something definitely insin­cere about it. 4. She must have driven like a skilled motorist 5. My mother never talks to me about my father. I sometimes think she must have married beneath her. 6. We don't know what it was that took Mrs. Graham back to the gazebo. There must have been some evidence of an intruder — probably the flash of a torch. 7. This seems to be a valuable ring. Since you wear it always, it must be valuable to you. 8. O'Mara must have de­tected the change of feeling, but allowed him to fin­ish. 9. Whenever people agree with me, I al­ways feel I must be wrong. 10. "It must have been a fearful shock for her." "Indeed it was." 11. "You really believe he was guilty?" "He must have been. He had the cause and he was there with your father in the library." 12. I meant her only to make a note of mistakes in spelling that the typist must have made. 13. Raina: "He's gone! I left him here." Catherine: "Here? Then he must have climbed down from the window." 14. She nev­er mentioned being lonely, but she must have been. 15. Pearl: "What's the matter with Bessie! She must have swallowed a poker last night. No wonder she couldn't sleep. It's enough to give anyone indigestion." 16. You must be exhausted after all the tennis you played this afternoon, Minnie. 17. I see why he was so excited about last night's par­ty. He must have had some special idea in his head — he must have hoped that by reproducing the condi­tions, he would gain some additional knowledge — poor George he must have been so muddled about it all. 18. I don't know what Phil must think of you ringing up like that. He must have thought you had gone out of your mind. 19. The visitor was wearing an old-style greatcoat that must have cost a hundred and fifty dollars new.

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