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Exercise 4. State the meaning of the verb must in the fol­lowing sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. She had a feeling that you must not use the same word twice on a page and she was ready every time with a synonym to put in its place. 2. "Now, ma'am," said Vern to his mother, "you mustn't upset yourself." 3. You must tell me all about your­self. 4. I am afraid I must go now. My carriage must have come back by this time. 5. Well, I must go and see the children and let you rest. 6. I stood up, conscious of feeling uneasy sitting in the chair which he must often have used, my hands on the desk at which he must so often have written. 7. Writing is a whole-time job. To write must be the main object of the author's life; that is to say, he must be a professional writer. 8. I have written a line to your dear mother, Gerald, to tell her your good news, and to say she really must come to dinner. 9. In the end I came to the conclusion that her "vision" of Rodric must have been a hallucination born of shock. 10. She must have read some meaning into words which I did not intend. 11. After the quar­rel with Rodric he must have gone upstairs to talk to his wife. 12. What a relief it must have been for her, I thought, to have found herself a widow. 13. I must have slept for a long time for when I awoke the mist was gone. 14. I must insist that you leave the matter alone. 15. Sometimes the writer must ask himself whether what he has written has any val­ue except to himself. 16. You must be hold­ing something back. Don't be afraid of hurting my feel­ings. You've said so much now that I must insist on your saying everything. 17. No doubt it must have been very dull for you after the sparkling din­ner parties of London. 18. Let me order refresh­ment for you, Alexander. You must be cold and hun­gry after your travels. 19. If we want to get a good table at Willis's we really must go and dress. 20. We must not judge hastily, Mr. Wooster, we must keep an open mind.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the form of the infinitive after the modal verb must.

1. We have been betrayed. Plans must be abandoned. We must save our own skins. 2. I concluded that Antonia must have changed her hairdresser. 3. The boy must have made a mistake. It was King's Cross, not Charing Cross. 4. "We accept," he said harshly, "on terms the papers must be delivered to us before you go free." 5. "I must have been seeing the rats in the night." "Yes, Mr. Raine. I believe you must have been seeing things in the night" 6. I suppose the girl must have been in the habit of call­ing her by her full name. 7. My darling Cecily, I think there must be some slight error. 8. "Im­possible," she murmured. "Impossible! I must be going mad even to think of such a thing..." 9. Let me see. Today is Monday, isn’t it? It must have been last Wednesday, why, surely — yes. 10. I'm sorry, Eileen, but I really must go. It's urgent. 11. "I don't believe Tuppence was ever in this house," said Tom­my. "She must have been." 12. The housemaid must have been in the hall, too, for the front door flashed open, and Reggie was shut in the empty drawing-room before that bell had stopped ringing. 13. At first I thought he must be being a poet and he has been to Europe and seen the Art there but many of our greatest authors seem to mean nothing to him. 14. "You mean you didn't know at all?" said Antonia. "Surely you must have guessed. I was sure you knew." 15. My feet hurt. I must have walked miles this morning. 16. "I didn't have the bis­cuits, Sally." — "You must have eaten them in your sleep then." 17. Somebody must have seen her.

Exercise 6. Use the proper form of the infinitive in brack­ets after the modal verb must.

1. Oh, Constance, what must you (to think) of me? 2. Fenwick: "I never slept a wink." Pearl: "One would never think it. You must (to make) of iron." 3. ….this thing must (to place) in his hands without amoment's delay. 4. The gardens here are delight­ful. The soil must (to be good). 5. BarbaraFranklin must (to be) quite lovely as a girl. 6. Pearl: "I feel a perfect wreck!" Fenwick: "You must (to go) and (to lie) down. It's no good making yourself ill." 7. The man must (to stop) the car in a convenient place and (to run) up to the house just as the alarm was given and attention attracted. 8. And all the while she must (to be contemplating) the ghastly-bit of treachery. 9. "Well," said the Cream, ris­ing. "I must (to get) back to my work." 10. She said she simply must (to run) in and (to see) me before I left. 11. She must (to get) pretty uneasy about it now. 12. I felt that this sort of thing must (to stop) at once. 13. It must (to be) about six o'clock when Colonel Luttrell came along the path. 14. At that time there must (to be) five hundred dining-rooms in London decorated in exactly the same manner. 15. Well, I must (to stroll) back to my cottage. 16. I must (to introduce) myself. I'm Mrs. Luttrell. 17. Very warm day. Best summer I remember for a long time. I must (to go) for a swim. 18. Whoever was making the noise must (to shout) very loud because the Major's office was supposed to be soundproof. 19. I was sitting on Marie-Louise's bed and I must (to slip) it (the cigarette case) under the pillow without thinking. 20. He must (to warn) that he will get little thanks from the critics. 21. I came to the conclusion that the noise of my footsteps must in some strange way (to re-echo) against the wall of mist to create an illusion of sound. 22. I had become careless. Something, a letter, perhaps, must (to find).

Exercise 7. Refer the following sentences to the past. Make all the necessary changes.

1. She must be surprised to find you here. 2. You must be blind not to see what kind of person he is. 3. This news must distress her. 4. It must be unpleasant for her to see you. 5. There must be a good view from the top of the garden now. 6. "You really believe he is guilty." — "He must be." 7. His knowledge of English must be slight now. 8. Everything must go smoothly. 9. She must ex­pect you to go there at once. 10. It must be dull for you here. 11. You must be hungry and cold after your trip up to town. 12. There must be a slight error in your state­ment. 13. She must be in the house. There is light in her windows. 14. I'm afraid you must talk to both of us. 15. To have so kind-hearted, so affectionate a sister must be a comfort to him. 16. She must leave a message for me before she goes. 17. Look, we must make those arrange­ments about the furniture and so on.


Exercise 8. Paraphrase the sentences using the verb must.

l. Madame is sure to be right. 2. I'm sorry if we are a little late, Algernon, but I was obliged to call on dear Lady Harbury. 3. Still, it seems likely that they have married one another, since it is unlikely that they have married anyone else since there is nobody else for them to marry. 4. Probably the dramatist's best way to cope with this difficulty is to underwrite his parts, lightly sketching the characters and counting on the actors to fill them in with their own individu­alities. 5. She evidently expected me to go there at once. 6. An acquaintance that begins with a comple­ment is sure to develop into a real friendship. 7. Georgie, I forbid you to talk of going yet. 8. They're sure to see you: it's bright moonlight. I'll save you. 9. If he lets you wander from the main point it is very likely that he will never recapture your attention. 10. She is sure to tell him. 11. Surely the girl has been kid­napped. 12. He faltered, then felt obliged to explain himself. 13. She surely has noticed the surprise with which you looked at that picture.


Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the constructions in bold type. Make up your own sentences with these constructions.

1. You've made this statement about your move­ments on Tuesday night, I think. I must tell you it doesn't agree with another statement that has been made. 2. You must remember that we were boys together. 3. You mustn't pay any attention to Pearl. 4. You must let me know if anything fur­ther comes to light. 5. You mustn't worry too much about what I've just told you. You must be brave and face up to it for your daughter's sake. 6. You must admit that it's rather a wild story. 7. I am not really wicked at all, cousin Cecily. You mustn't think that I am wicked. 8. You mustn't blame yourself, whatever happens. 9. Come, come, Elizabeth, you must be sensible. 10. I must be going. If you have nothing better to do — I mean if you could — do come and see us. 11. Perhaps, thought Lilian lazily, it must be boring for her to be with old people like us. 12. It must be wonder­ful to be able to get away just like that. 13. Well, I must say, Algernon, that I think it is high time that Mr. Bunbury made up his mind whether he was going to live or to die. 14. I must confess that at the first glance I was a trifle vexed.

Exercise 10. Express prohibition.

1. It was so impossible, Helen, and I am going to forbid it absolutely (to do such a thing). 2. I am talking very seriously, Pat. I am quite serious, really (laugh). 3. I wonder if I may give some nuts to these birds (visitors, feed animals). 4. Oh, no, why should I pay such a big fine? (cross the road while the lights are red) 5. You must speak out (allow your sister to take such a mad step). 6. Don’t enter the bedroom. Leen is sleeping, he’s extremely tired after his journey (disturb him). 7. I know it’s time for you to catch your train (stay here any longer). 8. You are running a temperature, Mary. I think it’s flue (go out). 9. Peter, it’s me. Milly is ill. It’s catching (visit her). 10. Well, it’s Father’s book. I wonder where you’ve got it? (borrow books without asking).

Exercise 11. Read the sentences which describe a situation. Comment on them using the verb must and the prop­er form of the infinitive. Give as many different sug­gestions as you can.

Example: Peter looks very tired,

A. He must have worked a lot yesterday.

B. He must be working too hard.

C. He must be unwell.

D. He must have a rest.

1. Peter was late for the first lecture. 2. Peter is absent from the lesson. 3. Peter is sneezing and cough­ing. 4. She began to cry after she had read that letter. 5. He knows many things about England. 6. He knows every street in St Petersburg. 7. I invited Peter to call on us yesterday, but he didn't come. 8. I expected Peter to ring me up last night, but he didn't. 9. I want to show you Peter's photograph, but I can't find it. 10. Peter was to take his examination in English yes­terday. When he came home he looked quite misera­ble. 11. In September many students of our group re­turned to Moscow healthy and sunburnt. 12. I haven't seen him in Moscow for a long time. 13. Peter and Ann had a quarrel yesterday. And now I see Peter with Ann again. 14. Peter returned home wet to the bone. 15. Peter looks dead tired and worn-out.


Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences.

1. You must allow me to say that.... 2. You mustn't think that.... 3. I must say that.... 4. You must have been surprised…. 5. I must be off…. 6. You mustn't pay any attention…. 7. I must begin by saying…. 8. The child mustn't be allowed.... 9. It must be won­derful.... 10. She must have been getting pretty un­easy about…. 11. You mustn't blame yourself.... 12. You mustn't think I'm ungrateful…. 13. I must admit that I've found it of interest…. 14. How many times must I tell you.... 15. You must let me know…. 16. It must be boring for.... 17. You must be exhaust­ed after.... 18. You mustn't worry….


Exercise 13. Complete the sentences using the modal verb must.

1. He turned pale on hearing the news, it…. 2. I feel a perfect wreck…. 3. Whatever happens… 4. I never slept a wink.... 5. There is light in her window…. 6. Whatever you do.... 7. I asked Nick to stay to lunch but he declared…. 8. It's such a pity…. 9. Come on, Pete. We.... 10. She is so excited…. 11. Don't pay any attention to what he says…. 12. It is not Arnold's fault you.... 13. I had a feeling that.... 14. In the end I came to the conclusion that…. 15. I am afraid.... 16. The child is crying bitterly.... 17. My eyes hurt…. 18. He is not here now.... 19. Come, come, Julie, you.... 20. It is raining cats and dogs….


Exercise 14. Make up short dialogues with the following statements.

1. It must be terribly annoying to miss such a film. 2. We must do what we can for Ann. 3. I must go as we are dining out today. 4. We must not let the quarrel break our friendship. 5. He must be twenty now. 6. The summer-cottage must be in good style. 7. I must have room to place my books. 8. I must have a taxi to take me to the station. 9. You must not do it on any account. 10. You mustn't laugh. I am quite serious. 11. You must come to us one of the coming evenings. 12. Well, we must wait until the morning. 13. I must have liberty to go about this matter in my own way. 14. You must tell me all about yourself. 15. Oh, you mustn't feel offended. 16. You must come and see me. 17. We must not jump at conclusions.

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

1. Вы должны приходить на занятия вовремя. Студентам нельзя опаздывать. 2. Ты должен немедленно пойти домой. Тебя ждет мама. 3. Я должен уехать завтра. 4. Извините, но я должен ответить на этот телефонный звонок. 5. Ты должен быть осторожен, переходя улицу. Здесь такое оживленное движение. 6. Его просьба должна быть выполнена немедленно. 7. Должны ли мы выучить этот диалог наизусть? 8. Он должен попасть туда до полуночи. 9. Я должна еще вымыть всю посуду. 10. Молодые должны помогать старикам.


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