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The use of can and may is parallel only in two meanings: possibility due to circumstances and permission. In these meanings, however, they are not always interchangeable for a number of various reasons.

1) Thus in the meaning of possibility due to circumstances the
use of may is restricted only to affirmative sentences, whereas can
is found in all kinds of sentences.


May Can
He may find this book at the library. He can find this book at the library.
  Can he find this book at the library?  
  He cannot find this book at the library.  


Time reference is also different. May refers only to the
Present or future; the form migh t is used in past-time contexts
only in reported speech. Can (could) may refer to the present,
Past or future.


May Can
He may find the book at the library. He can find the book at the library.
I said that he might find the book at the library. He could find the book at the library yesterday.
  He can find the book at the library tomorrow.  


Both could and might combined with the Perfect infinitive in-
dicate that the action was not carried out in the past.

· He might have found the book at the library.

· He could have found the book at the library.
It follows from the above that the sphere of application of can
in this meaning is wider than that of may.

2) When may and can express permission the difference between them is rather that of style than of meaning – may is more formal than can which is characteristic of colloquial English.

  • May (might) I speak to you for a moment, professor?
  • Can (could) I have a cup of tea, Mother?

May in negative sentences expressing prohibition is uncommon.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the modal verbs can and may. State the difference.

1. Marie Claire was waiting for me in the bedroom, but I dismissed her at once for I could see she was greatly fatigued, and undressed as quickly as I could without her. 2. Ridiculous to suppose that she could have a daughter over thirty. 3. "We'll never be back," said Pomfret. "We might," said Martha, "some day. " 4. Youcan't make me write anything on a piece of paper. 5. "Come in." George, may I?" "You may." "Well, can I come in?" "Come in." 6. "May I use your telephone, Mr. Smith?" "By all means do." 7. He could see her as she was, too thin, too pale, too old for her years. 8. For all I know they may have settled down into a most domestic couple. 9. Carey can't prove that he didn't just stay where he was, and we can’t prove that he did. 10. He thought the place might suit me. 11. Can they do something for you? Can they help you? 12. No one could possibly enter his rooms without perceiving him to be a man of wealth. 13. Can't we do something for them? Maybe I could run down there? 14. He might have certain family papers relating to his grandfather. 15. Could you take a letter to Rye for me and see that it goes on the coach to London? 16. Young Jolyon could not help smiling. He was very well versed in irony.

Exercise 2. Use can or may in the correct form.

1. For a long time Conway ______ not bring him­self to leave the place. 2. It occurred to me that it ______ give a truer picture of life if one ______ carry on at the same time the various sto­ries. 3. It is very kind of you, but I am afraid there isn't anything you ______ do. 4. He took a marked line, there ______ be no doubt about that; and he didn't allow that there ______ be two opinions about anything. 5. She ______ (not) help wondering whether Mrs. Harrison had told her mother that Nickolas Carey was back. It meant noth­ing, it ______ (not) mean anything, but if Mrs. Gra­ham thought that it ______, it ______ be a reason for her interest in a cruise. 6. For almost as long as Junita ______ remember, adding, subtract­ing, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural. 7. "I saw her last week at a dinner party," said Pombret. "I hardly rec­ognized her." "It ______ happen to me," she said. "Not to you, Martha," he said. "It ______ Nobody ever thought it ______ happen to Kitty, ei­ther. But it did." 8. No father and mother ______ have let the boy marry Fleur without knowl­edge of the facts. 9. I have never, except by an effort of will, wished that the passing moment ______ linger so that I... get more enjoyment from it. 10. But before I ______ move Ned spoke from the other side of the room. 11. She's afraid she ______ have to sell her horse and the kids' po­nies. 12. I ______ not tell you how distressed I was at that terrible scene. 13. Manson! I'd like to see you. ______ you come to my place at three o'clock? 14. My curiosity was too great to allow me to give much time to reflect upon what I read; I ______ hardly wait to finish one book, eager I was to begin another. 15. If you haven't yet finished the letter, perhaps you ______ add a sentence giving my regards to Alexander.

Exercise 3. Use the proper form of the infinitive in brackets after the modal verbs can and may.

1. I may (to introduce) myself before. I'm Mr. Stone, and of course you're Mr. Smith. 2. "No," he said, there’s nothing you can (to do) about it!' 3. I had no idea that you, of all men in the world, could (to be) so weak, Robert. 4. I thought it might (to be) useful to have your views on Mrs. Traill's evidence. 5. You could (to blame) me. You had every right to do so. 6. Won't you come to my place for a chat? We can't (to stand) here in the street. 7. I found the visitors boring, their outlook provincial and their conversation devoid of any subject which might (to interest) me. 8. I don't think it was the waiter. It could (to be) Sandra or it could (to be) Stephen, or it could (to be) both of them together. 9. I shall be all right if I can (to be) perfectly quiet for a little. 10. I feel tonight that I have saved you from something that might (to be) a danger to you. 11. "Even the walls might (to have) ears," whispered the other. 12. I ceased to travel because I felt that travel could (to give) me nothing. I was capable of no new development. 13. A cup of coffee, and I might (to have) a glass of beer. I notice you have draft beer. 14. Perhaps as we are here we might just (to have) a look round. 15. I can't (to expect) to fling myself into his arms unless he gives some sort of hint that he is ready to catch me. 16. Why couldn't they (to do) something for him? But they were so selfish. Why couldn't they (to build) coun­try-houses? 17. Did not I tell you, Sir John, when you spoke to me about it before, that it could not (to do)?

Exercise 4. Paraphrase the sentences using can or may in the correct form.

1. I was able to see that he was cut to the quick. 2. I am afraid Miss Graham is not able to see visitors. Miss Graham is resting. 3. You left the airport so quickly, I was not able to catch you up. 4. I was able to speak with­out stammering or choking. 5. Perhaps I had been wrong and Roger had invited me only that we might idly chat of Shakespeare and the musical glasses. 6. She was prob­ably a bit touched. 7. It's rotten for you not to be able to get away, old man. 8. He wanted to talk about many things that he had been unable to talk about all these years. 9. It was not likely that he was going to be drawn into an argument with an obstinate beggar like Swith­in. 10. At a time Conway stood with his hands shaking, unable to go on. 11. I owe you nothing. I am able to keep myself. 12. You'd probably know if it was the other way round. 13. "Did you have a satisfactory day in Rye?" I asked, rather too quickly. "I'm glad you were able to be back for dinner today." 14. Perhaps it was the sur­prise in her brown eyes which made him ill at ease. 15. Not at all, but he's one of the few persons I know who really amuses me. You'll think him very disagree­able, and you'll probably bore him to extinction.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1319. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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