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Exercise 7. State whether the verbto be to is a modal verb, a notional verb, a link verb or an auxiliary verb.

1. His plan was to drive straight up to the house. 2. She said that mother was awake and was delighted to hear that Martha had come to see her. 3. Bosinney was waiting for him at the door, and on his rugged, good-looking face was a queer, yearning, yet happy look. 4. "When are you to be married?" asked Miss Ley, after a pause. 5. My advice, Shirl, is to stay away from the law. 6. No one else is to be admitted, under any circumstances. 7. Mrs. Bramwell prided her­self upon being a hostess,... and her idea of "making things go" was to talk and laugh a great deal. 8. The entire sum of money is to be converted to bank notes of small denomination. 9. I was silent. My sympathy was too acute to be put into words. 10. …. how many times am I to go over all this? 11. "Is Mrs. Franklin interested in her husband's work?" I asked. 12. ….she went off with Franklin to the lab as usual directly after breakfast, and it was clear that they were to have an arduous and busy day there. 13. He was star­tled and amazed. At last the tears ran from his eyes. And the worst of it was that, though you hated Strickland, and the exhibition was horrible, it was impossible, not to laugh.

Exercise 8. Refer the following sentences to the past. Make all the necessary changes.

1. What am I to say to her? Nothing can console her. 2. You are not to tell her any bad news that may worry her. 3. Am I to believe that you know nothing about this letter? 4. My friend is to meet me at the metro station and then we shall come to your place together. 5. I am to stay in Moscow for a fortnight. I'll be able to go sightseeing. 6. He is to be at the hotel the whole evening. You can ring him up whenever it is convenient for you. 7. Isn't he to go to the country with us? Fresh air can do him a lot of good. 8. No one is to be admitted into the room of the child except the nurse. His disease is infectious. 9. The meeting is to take place in a week. 10. But what am I to do at your party? I don't know any of your friends. 11. Isn't he to make a report at our conference?

Exercise 9. Change the following sentences by using per­fect infinitive. Show that the action was not carried out.

Example: I was to ring him up at 6 o'clock. I was to have rung him up at 6 o'clock but it * entirely slipped my memory.

1. I was not to stay long at her house. 2. I was not to tell him this news. 3. The conference was to take place in May. 4. I was to write to him about the conference. 5. He was to go to St Petersburg on business. 6. He was to come to our place yesterday. 7. The family was to leave for the railway station early in the morn­ing. 8. He was to buy tickets for the "Swan Lake" be­forehand. 9. I was to send the letter at once. 10. Mark Twain was to change trains in Dijon. 11. Mrs. Page was to pay Manson his salary every fortnight.

Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences paying at­tention to the constructions in bold type. Make up your own sentences with these constructions.

1. This I was only to learn later. 2. The child was nowhere to be found. 3. Happi­ness is to be found in hard work. 4. I am to go to the Switzerland for a weekend, mountain ski­ing. 5. I concentrated on my task of recogniz­ing the person I was to meet. 6. Walter in the courtyard gave directions where this or that was to be placed. 7. Now Mr. Poirot here whose name I'm very familiar with (and proud we are to have him with us,I'm sure) tells me that to the best of his be­lief you were shot at in the grounds of the Majestic Hotel the other morning. 8. Fabian shrugged, rubbed lovingly at the ends of his moustache, a ges­ture I was to come to recognize as a tic, useful to gain time when he didn't have a ready answer to a ques­tion.

Exercise 11. Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verb to be to. Make all the necessary changes.

1. What am I expected to say to that? 2. Do you expect me to believe that he was not to blame? 3. It was planned that we should wait for them at the box- office. 4. He is expected to join us at the railway sta­tion. 5. The conference is supposed to be held in Sep­tember. 6. It was arranged that Freddy Hampton would meet Andrew and Christine in the lounge. 7. I expect her to come by the first train. 8. It was ar­ranged that Rosemary would meet me at the bus stop. 9. Am I supposed to understand that the fault is all* mine? 10. How many times do you expect me to tell you that you spoil your child? 11. It is planned that I shall go on business to St Petersburg next month. 12. It is planned that two students from our group will make reports at the conference. 13. You could see Rebecca at all the balls surrounded by crowds of admirers. 14. No one said a word. How could I know that I was going to meet him at your place? 15. Not a sound could be heard in the street. 16. How can we get on with the work? 17. He was destined to live a long and happy life.

Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences.

1. It is to be hoped…. 2. Am I to meet you...? 3. Am I to write to your parents and tell them...? 4. What's to happen to us...? 5. What am I to do…. 6. Isn't he to go...? 7. How was I to know...? 8. Am I to say....? 9. Later he was to learn…. 10. Am I to believe...? 11. He has just graduated from the insti­tute and is to go…. 12. What am I to do with....? 13. The child is seriously ill and is.... 14. Am I to understand….? 15. How many times am I to tell you...? 16. How was I to guess…? 17. As I was to find out.... 18. Am I to take it that...? 19. Am I to go to...?

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences using the modal verb to be to.

1. Mary is leaving for St Petersburg tonight.... 2. The conference is postponed…. 3. Ring me up at 6,…. 4. The train is late…. 5. I want to know if I…. 6. I don't wish to see him, he…. 7. Soon we shall have our vacations. We must plan everything beforehand.... 8. I know that I must do this work but I want to have your instructions…. 9. Don't blame me. How....? 10. Let's discuss our future conference... 11. I've told you not to read in bed. How many times….? 12. We shall have a busy day.... 13. According to the plan of the extracurricular work the pupils….

Exercise 14. Make up short dialogues with the following statements.

1. How was I to know that? 2. What am I to say to you? 3. Her train is to arrive at 6. 4. I am to go there by air. 5. Am I to believe my own eyes or not? 6. I didn't know that the conference was to take place so soon. 7. I am to be at my office in an hour. 8. These things are to be accepted. 9. You didn't tell me what my new duties w< то to be. 10. The whole family is to leave for the South in June. 11. What am I to do next? 12. How is it to be done? 13. I am to stay here for a week or two. 14. We are to have a busy day. 15. Who is to meet her? 16. I thought we were to have some ice cream for dessert.

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