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Revision of the Present Tenses

Ex. 1

Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description.


1. He runs a large travel agency. 2. The thief enters the room and opens the safe. 3. Skill comes with practice. 4. She’s been practisingthat song for hours. 5. He’s workinghard these days. 6. He’s gaineda lot of weight recently. 7. Tom’s pickingme up at 7 o’clock tonight. 8. She’s stayingwith a friend in London at present. 9. The ferry arrives at 10.00 am. 10. They’ve been talkingon the phone since 9 o’clock this morning. a actions taking place at or around the moment of speaking; temporary situations b emphasis on duration of an action which began in the past and continues up to the present c reviews/sport commentaries/dramatic narratives d actions started at a stated time in the past and continuing up to the present e fixed arrangements in the near future f timetables/programmes (future meaning) g permanent situations or states h permanent truths or laws of nature i personal experiences or changes which have happened

1) … 2) … 3) … 4) … 5) … 6) … 7) … 8) … 9) … 10) …


1 The plane to Sydney leaves at eleven o'clock. 2 I have written two letters since the morning. 3 They're going on holiday on Saturday. 4 Graham has known Errol for five years. 5 You're always leaving the door open. 6 We are rehearsing a new play at the moment. 7 George has bought a new car. 8 Lisa has been cleaning the house all morning. 9 Look! Alison has dyed her hair! 10 More and more people are recycling their rubbish. a) actions which started in the past and continue up to the present b) action which has recently finished and whose result is visible in the present c) to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present d) to express criticism or annoyance e) timetables and programmes f) actions that we have arranged to do in the near future g) action which has happened within a specific time period h) which is not over at the moment of speaking i) action which happened at an unstated time in the past j) changing or developing situations, temporary actions

1) … 2) … 3) … 4) … 5) … 6) … 7) … 8) … 9) … 10) …


Ex 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms.

a) This is my new car. What... (you think) of it?

b) - Who are you? - What do you mean? I (live) here.

c) I can't find the car keys. What... (you do) with them?

d) Sorry I haven't fixed the plug. I.. (mean) to get round to it, but I just haven't found the time.

e) What............ (you do) on Saturdays?

f) I don't know what time we'll eat. It.. (depend) when Helen gets here.

g) Peter can't understand what has been decided because too many people (talk) at once.

h) Jean, I'm so glad you've got here at last. I … (expect) you all day.

i) Please don't let me down this time! I … (depend) on you.


Ex. 3

a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


Dear Kathleen,

I 1) (e.g.)...'m writing... (write) to tell you my news. My school 2)...................................... (choose) me to spend six weeks at a school in the USA. I'm very happy about it! At the moment, I 3)....................................(pack) things for my trip, because I 4)................................ (leave) next week. My mother 5)................................(book) the ticket. I 6).................................. (wait) for this opportunity for ages, so I'm very excited. I 7)........................ (finish) reading two books about the USA and I 8).......................... (borrow) another one from the school library. I 9)....................................... (become) more and more nervous every day!

Well, I must go now. I've got a lot of things to do. I'll write to you from the USA.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I (to write) on behalf of Midfield School. Every year, our students (to choose) a project on an environmental problem. Then, they (to work) to raise money to help solve this problem. We recently (to see) your advertisements about protecting dolphins, so, for the last few weeks, we (to try) to learn about the dolphins that (to live) in the sea near here. We already (to be) on two boat trips and (to persuade) local fishermen to change their fishing nets because the ones they (to use) at the moment can trap dolphins. Could you please send the children some World Wildlife Fund posters to add to the work that they (to do) so far?

Yours faithfully,

J. Hopkins (Teacher)


b) Which of the present forms in the texst above are used to express:

1 actions which happened at an unstated time in the past;

2 actions which started in the past and continue up to the present with emphasis on duration;

3 actions happening at or around the moment of speaking;

4 changing and developing situations;

5 actions that we have arranged to do in the near future.

Ex. 4

Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.


1. He (to solve) the cross-word puzzle for half an hour and he (to say) he (to be) about to finish it as he (to think) over the last word. 2. The actors (to rehearse) since early morning; now they (to go over) the first scene as they (not to be) satisfied with their acting. 3. Here you (to be) at last! I (to wait) for you for twenty minutes. You (not to be) ashamed? 4. She (to speak) over the telephone long enough, it (to be) time for her to stop talking. 5. Since you (to keep) late hours this week you (to look) tired and worn out. 6. It (to snow) steadily the whole week and it still (to snow). If it (to go) on like this, nobody will be able to reach the camp. 7. At last you (to open) the door! I (to ring) for an hour at least, it (to seem) to me. 8. My watch (to keep) good time ever since the first repair. 9. They (to discuss) this question ever since I (to be) here and they (not to come) to any definite conclusion yet. 10. The typist (to miss) several words as she (to talk) all the time. 11. The lecturer (to mention) this name several times but I cannot remember it. I’ll write it down as soon as he (to mention) it again. 12. He (to work) at the language all the time and (to make) great progress. His phonetics (to be) perfect, only a slight accent (to remain).

Ex. 5

Ask your partner questions using the following time expressions:

For example: every morning - A: What time do you get up every morning?

B: I get up at 7.30 every morning.

1. for the past ten minutes; 2. right now; 3. since 11 o’clock; 4. usually; 5. every Sunday; 6. twice this week; 7. tonight; 8. yet; 9. still; 10. already; 11. ever; 12. for four years.

Ex. 6

Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description.

1. Oh no! Someone’s been readingmy diary again. 2. You feel dizzy because you’ve been lyingin the sun for too long. 3. He has just cleared out the garage. 4. He’s such a boring man, who’s always makinga fuss about nothing. 5. With the help of a good teacher, Gary’s becominga very good pianist. 6. We’ve beenout four times this week. 7. He has lunch at the Plaza Hotel every day. 8. They have sold their house and goneon a tour of the world. 9. Here comes the train! a. actions which happened at an unstated past time and are connected to the present b. changing or developing situations c. expressing anger, irritation, annoyance or criticism d. recently completed actions e. repeated/habitual actions f. past actions of certain duration having visible results/effects in the present g. exclamatory sentences h. emphasis on number; frequency i. frequently repeated actions with ‘always’ expressing the speaker’s annoyance or criticism
1. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 5. … 6. … 7. … 8. … 9. …

Ex. 7

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