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EXERCISES IN LEXICOLOGY. Ex. 12. Recast the sentences using the prefix "dis-" with the words in bold type


Ex. 12. Recast the sentences using the prefix "dis-" with the words in bold type. Make all other necessary changes.


1. He is hard to please. He is never satisfied with anything. 2. I couldn't make much of the story. The facts he gave were not properly connected. 3. They did not seem to be pleased with the turn of events. 4. They are reported to have failed to agree on the matter. 5. We have never heard anybody say that he is not an honest person. 6. I did not like the man the moment I saw him. 7. After the disagreement they had he didn't appear for a long time. 8. The child is just hopeless, he never seems to obey his parents. 9. She can't stand it when her house is not in order.


Ex. 13. Paraphrase the following sentences using a noun with the suf­fix "-ion

(-ation, -tion, -sion)” instead of a verb. Make other necessary changes.


1. I don't see how these two events are connected. 2. What did they finally decide to do about the arrangement? 3. We were greatly impressed by everything we saw at the exhibition. 4. I am not much good at introducing people. 5. How did you manage to solve the problem? 6. What would you suggest in connection with the coming holiday? 7. How long did they discuss the question? 8. I knew that he saw me but he didn't show that he recognized me. 9. Can you describe his stamp collection in detail? 10. He was fully determined to win the game. 11. The secretary attended to the details of the business part of the arrangement.

Ex. 14. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meaning.


idea, moment, problem, cross-word, prize, final, secret, cabin, plan, protest, interview, reporter, photographer, detail, dozen, shock, section, patient.


Ex. 15. In the following sentences compare the meanings of the words in bold type. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give your own examples.


1. a) I sat down and puzzled over the problem. b) Though I've been watching the man closely enough, I seem to have failed to puzzle him out. He remains as much of a puzzle to me as ever. 2. a) She had certain­ly thought over the offer carefully before refusing it. b) He hadn't thought out the matter properly, no wonder his speech made such a poor impression. 3. a) The children were always fighting over something. b) Each stuck to his point of view, both were determined to fight it out to the end. 4. a) It was two years now that he had been working over the problem. b) Quick decisions were against his principles. Things had to be worked out properly first.


Ex. 16. Give the meaning of the words in bold type; say which phrase is used literally and which has a figurative meaning.


1. a) She took up her pen and continued writing. b) He was seriously thinking of taking up medicine as a career. c) I don't wish to take up too much of your time. 2. a) It was long past nine when he got down to breakfast. b) Finally they got down to the details of the agreement. 3. a) The key was lost and the door had to be broken down. b) The car broke down and was taken to the garage for repairs, c) When she heard the news she broke down and started crying.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1358. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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