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I. The Subjunctive Mood In Simple Sentences

Ex. 24. Study the following chart.


non-perfect form I would** tell him the truth. Why don't you? I don't want to answer this letter. What would you do in my place? He could help her. Why doesn't she ask him? Might I use your telephone? She says (said) she would go with us but she can't (couldn't). Я бы сказал ему правду, Почему ты не делаешь этого? Я не хочу отвечать на это письмо. Как бы вы поступили на моем месте? Он мог бы помочь ей. По­чему она не обратится к нему? Мог бы я воспользоваться вашим телефоном? Она говорит (сказала), что она пошла бы с нами, но она не может.


Ex. 25. Use the Subjunctive Mood in the following statements, note the difference in meaning.


1. I won't sign the document without reading it first. 2. May she come a bit later? 3. They can't solve the problem without his help. 4. She doesn't agree to our suggestion. 5. I advise you to see the doctor. 6. She won't go for a walk in the rain. 7. Will you help me with the cross­word puzzle? 8. I can't do without you. 9. He agrees to sell the picture for three hundred roubles. 10. How shall I translate the article without a dictionary? 11. She will be glad to postpone the discussion.


Ex. 26. Answer the following questions, using the Subjunctive Mood. (practise the same questions and answers in reported speech).


1. What car would you advise me to buy? 2. Could you introduce me to the secretary? 3. Who could help me to get in touch with the In­formation Bureau? 4. Where would you go this summer? 5. Would you care to go to the picture gallery with us? 6. What picture would you like to have in your room? 7. What language would you study as a second foreign language? 8. Till what day could we postpone the meeting^ 9. What ship would you like to sail on? 10. When could you make a report on current events? 11. What book would you read for pleasure? 12. What would you have for breakfast? 13. What colour would you paint your country house?


Ex. 27. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Мы бы с удовольствием пошли на эту выставку. 2. Кто бы не ухватился за такую идею? 3. Прежде чем решать этот вопрос, я бы связался с ним по телефону. 4. Он бы здорово посмеялся над этим. 5. Я бы подождал с решением этого вопроса. 6. Он болен. На вашем месте я бы отложила поездку. 7. Жаль, что ее нет. Она была бы в восторге от этого концерта. 8. Не мог ли бы он тоже воспользоваться этим предложением? 9. Они говорят, что с удовольствием присоедини­лись бы к нам. 10. Я уверена, он бы согласился дать вам рекоменда­тельное письмо. 11. Она сказала, что она тоже не поехала бы туда зимой. 12. Кто бы хотел поехать туда вместе со мной? 13. Они сказали, что они не стали бы обсуждать этот вопрос на собрании. 14. Я не знаю, что бы я стал делать без вас.


Ex. 28. Make up sentences, using the Subjunctive Mood according to the model. Translate the sentences into Russian.


M o d e l: he, to show them about the exhibition (kind)

It would be kind of him to show them about the exhibition.

Было бы хорошо, (с его стороны показать им выставку) если бы он показал им выставку.


1. to go into the details of the matter now (unwise). 2. you, to take the children to the circus (kind). 3. to raise the problem at the next meeting (the right thing to do). 4. she, to point out their mistakes to them (wise). 5. to sign a document without reading it first (thoughtless). 6. he, to refuse the invitation (impolite). 7. to introduce this method of work at our plant (a good thing). 8. to reach the top of the mountain in this bad weather (impossible). 9. they, not to give him another chance (unkind). 10. to offer him the job (a mistake). 11. to have a cup of coffee now (not bad at all).

Ex. 29. Study the following chart.

perfect form I would have told him the truth. Why didn't you? I didn't answer his letter. What would you have done in my place? He could have helped her. Why didn't she ask him? You might have missed the train. You left the house very late. She says (said) that she would have gone on the excursion with us but she was (had been) ill. Я бы сказала ему всю прав­ду. Почему вы этого не сделали? Я не ответил на его письмо. Как бы вы поступили на моем месте? Он мог бы помочь ей. Поче­му она не обратилась к нему? Вы могли бы опоздать на поезд. Вы вышли из дома очень поздно. Она говорит (сказала), что она пошла бы на экскурсию с нами, но она была больна.  


Ex. 30. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood, perfect form.


1. It's a pity you didn't come. You... (to enjoy the party). 2. You shouldn't have let her go so early. She... (to meet so many interesting people). 3. You should have warned us that the discussion would be postponed. We... (to change one's plans). 4. It's a pity I didn't know the book was on sale. I... (to buy it). 5. They didn't know it was so difficult to get the tickets, or they... (to take care of them earlier). 6. It's a pity we didn't know you were there in July, too. We... (can spend the time together). 7. Why didn't you tell me that you also wanted to go with us? We... (to take you with us, of course). 8. I didn't know it would take us two full days to get there. We... (to go by plane). We... (to save a lot of time).


Ex. 31. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood according to the model.


M o d e l: The child crossed the street in the wrong place.

Another moment and he would have got run down.


1. We reached the station when the train was on the point of leav­ing. Another minute and we... 2. He was the second to come to the finish. One more effort and he... 3. I kept her from falling into the wa­ter. Another moment and she... 4. I left on the day of his arrival. An­other day and we... 5. His unexpected arrival spoiled everything. She refused to tell us anything. Another minute and she... 6. We didn't manage to talk him into coming.. Another word and he...


Ex. 32. Express your opinion of the following statements using the Sub­junctive Mood.


M о d e 1: He didn't obey the doctor's order (to be the right thing).

He should have obeyed the doctor's order. It would have been the right thing.


1. He didn't mention the fact in his report (to be the right time and place). 2. I didn't ask him this question (to be the thing to do). 3. They didn't follow his advice (to be only wise). 4. She didn't feel quite well but she didn't postpone the party (to do harm). 5. He didn't apologize for being late (nobody, to be angry). 6. They didn't accept his offer (to be only wise). 7. He didn't warn us about the change in the time-table (not to ruin our day off). 8. They didn't put off the trip in spite of the storm (to have an accident).


Ex. 33. Translate the following sentences into English using the Sub­junctive Mood.


1. Этот вопрос озадачил бы любого. 2. Я бы тоже согласился на такое предложение. 3. Кому бы вы предложили эту работу? 4. Было бы неплохо сходить на выставку современной живописи. 5. Еще мгновение и мы бы опоздали на поезд. 6. Было бы очень интересно поговорить с ним об искусстве. 7. На твоем месте я бы не стал изви­няться перед ним. 8. Еще бы одного человека — и мы бы составили ко­манду. 9. Он бы принял ваше приглашение, я не сомневаюсь в этом. 10. Мы не знали, что он не сможет прийти. Мы бы отложили собра­ние. 11. Я бы слушал докладчика более внимательно на твоем месте, он говорит очень интересно. 12. Вам бы надо обратиться к моему брату. Он бы вам разъяснил этот вопрос. 13. На вашем месте я оста­вил бы ее в покое. Она сейчас очень расстроена. 14. Нет человека, который не знал бы этого актера. 15. Немного больше терпения и ты бы научился кататься на коньках. 16. Без рекомендательного письма она бы не обратилась к ним. 17. Стоило бы ввести этот метод в нашу работу тоже. 18. Этот план вполне можно было бы осуществить. 19. Еще бы рубль, и я купил бы этот словарь. 20. Вам не следовало купаться в холодной воде. Вы могли бы простудиться.


Ex. 34. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood according to the model and translate them into Russian.


M o d e l: But for the nasty weather* I... (not to stay at home).

But for the nasty weather I would not stay at home.

But for the taxi they... (to miss the train).

But for the taxi they would have missed the train.


A. 1. But for a foreign accent one... (to take him for a Russian). 2. But for the mistake in the address the letter... (to reach them in time). 3. But for her impatience... (to be a good teacher). 4. But for his absence the meeting... (not to be postponed). 5. But for her smile I... (not to recognize her). 6. But for his signature we... (not to believe it was his order). 7. But for the late hour it... (to be possible to get him on the phone). 8. But for the snow storm the plane... (to arrive in time). 9. But for him nobody... (to notice the mistake).

B. 1. But for the ship's crossword puzzle, Lautisse... 2. But for the ship's librarian... 3. But for Lautisse's voyage to New York, Mr. Gregg… 4. But for the fact that Gregg's fence needed a coat of paint... 5. The New York papers wouldn't have got hold of the story but for... 6. Lau­tisse would never have taken up a brush again but for... 7. But for the telephone being disconnected... 8. Gregg would never have become a rich man but for... 9. But for Lautisse's signature at the bottom corner of each section...


Ex. 35. Translate the following sentences using "but-for” phrase.


1. Если бы не дождь, мы бы не застряли в пути. 2. Если бы не он, мне бы и в голову не пришло обратиться к ним за помощью. 3. Почта была бы доставлена вовремя, если бы не снежный буран. 4. Если бы не этот неприятный инцидент, вечер прошел бы хорошо. 5. Если бы не его болезнь, он бы принял приглашение. 6. Я не знаю, как бы мы связались с ним, если бы не справочное бюро. 7. Мы бы никогда не уговорили ее участвовать в работе нашего клуба без его помощи.


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