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In Complex Sentences With an Adverbial Clause of Condition


Ex. 36. Study the following chart; a) translate the sentences into Rus­sian, b) change the order of the clauses like this: 1 (he, she, etc.) would apologize if I (he, she, etc.) were in your place.


    conditional clause   principal clause  
non-perfect If I (he, she) were in your place If he knew her better If I could speak English   I (he, she) would ('d) apologize.   he would introduce me to her. I would show him about the town.  
perfect If he had been careful If she hadn't missed the train If I had been told about it in time   he wouldn't have made this mistake. she would have arrived hours ago (in time, etc.). I could have helped you.  


Ex. 37. Answer the following questions, using the Subjunctive Mood (practise the same questions and answers in reported speech).


1. What would you say if you pushed somebody in the crowd? 2. Where would you go if you were free now? 3. Would you go to the coun­try for the weekend if the weather were bad? 4. What would you give your friend as a present if you had fifty roubles? 5. Would you read a book by a modern or a 19th century writer if you had to make a book-report? 6. What would you do if you felt ill? 7. What second foreign language would you study if you were given a choice? 8. How would you get in touch with your friend if your telephone were disconnected? 9. Whom would you ask for help if you wanted to have your car repaired? 10. Would you have fruit or ice-cream for dessert? 11. What would you do if you dropped your watch? 12. What would you do if you missed your train?


Ex. 38. Ask questions about the text or the book you are reading, using the perfect forms of the Subjunctive Mood, give answers to them, practise both in reported speech.


M o d e l: 1. Would the Greggs have met Lautisse if they hadn't sailed on

board the Queen Elizabeth?

2. How would the Greggs have learned who Lautisse was if the ship's librarian hadn't helped them?


Ex. 39. Complete the following sentences, using the Subjunctive Mood.


1. I would have got in touch with her if her telephone... (not to be disconnected). 2. Nobody would have paid attention to him if there... (not to be something funny about his behaviour). 3. He... (not to go into details), if he hadn't been asked so many questions. 4. The party would have been dull if we... (not to show the film). 5. If you weren't smiling, we... (to believe your story). 6. She would be a good teacher if she... (to be more patient). 7. "I haven't seen him for ten years at least." "You would still recognize him if you... (to see him)." 8. If the driver had slowed down at the right moment he... (not to have the ac­cident). 9. What would you say if I... (to refuse to come to the party)? 10. He would give up the idea of leaving town if he... (to offer a good job). 11. I wouldn't give up art if I... (to have your talent).


Ex. 40. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model:


M o d e l: (a) He can't travel first class. He can't afford it.

He would travel first class if he could afford it.

(b) She had changed so much that I didn't recognize her.

If she had not changed so much I would have recognized her.


1. The child did not obey him-because he raised his voice at her. 2. The job was dull. He gave it up. 3. If you get him on the telephone, it will save us a lot of trouble. 4. The radio was off, I missed the weather report. 5. It wasn't once that he broke his promises. They stopped believing him. 6. The director is out of town. They can't settle the pro­blem without him. 7. The art expert looked at the portrait closely, he noticed the defect. 8. If they don't accept the invitation, we shall be disappointed. 9. Something went wrong with the car engine. We had an accident on the road. 10. The sportsman was in bad form; he failed to win the prize. 11.1 haven't got my camera with me. I can't take a pic­ture of this interesting building. 12. Nobody offered to drive me home. I went home on foot. 13. The acting was poor. The play didn't im­press us.


Ex. 41. Translate the following sentences.


1. Если бы она была более терпеливой, с ней легче было бы иметь дело. 2. Я бы никогда не подумал, что он твой брат, если бы он не представился мне. 3. Никто бы из нас не обратил внимания на связь между этими двумя фактами, если бы он не указал на это. 4. Если бы здесь было больше света, я бы непременно сфотографировал этих туристов. 5. Если бы фары были в исправности, мы бы смогли про­должать путь ночью. 6. Если бы вы не были так рассеяны, вы не сде­лали бы столько ошибок. 7. Если бы он сразу предложил нам взять такси, мы бы не потеряли столько времени. 8. Если бы не дожди, мы все время были бы на палубе. 9. Если бы он не схватил меня за руку, я бы прошла мимо, не заметив его. 10. Было бы неплохо пого­ворить о современной живописи с художником. 11. Этот фильм стои­ло бы посмотреть только после того, как вы прочтете книгу. 12. Если бы фильм был цветной, он бы производил большее впечатление. 13. Если бы вы дали ей знать, что вы хотите поговорить с ней, она бы зашла к вам. 14. Он подумал, что он тоже не знал бы, как бы он посту­пил, если бы он был на ее месте. 15. Мы считали, что бесполезно гово­рить с ним на эту тему, он все равно поступил бы по-своему.


Ex. 42. Study the following chart.


non-perfect   perfect  
If the station weren't a long way from here If I were you We would be still puzzling over the problem 4. He could go to the South this summer he wouldn't have taken a taxi.   I'd have done the same. if you hadn't helped us.   if he had been saving up money.  

Ex. 43. Practise the following, mind the above chart.


M o d e l: He is a very careless driver. The police stopped his car again yesterday.

If he weren't a careless driver, the police wouldn't have stopped his car again yesterday.


1. I shan't paint the house this year. It was given a fresh coat of paint only a year ago. 2. The windows face a noisy street. I was unable to sleep in the room. 3. She is very absent-minded. She forgot all about our arrangement for the afternoon- 4. This question was not discussed at yesterday's meeting; we are not clear about it. 5. The engine doesn't pull properly. We didn't quite manage the hill. 6. He didn't become a professional musician. He is not talented enough. 7. The man is too proud. He didn't ask us for help. 8. The new assistant is difficult to deal with. They refused to work with him.


Ex. 44. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Если бы она выехала поездом 10.15, она была бы уже здесь. 2. Если бы дорога шла через лес, мы бы, конечно, пошли пешком. 3. Если бы он жил в Москве, я бы вас давно с ним познакомила. 4. Мы бы согласились на это предложение, если бы оно было ра­зумно. 5. Если бы он занимался регулярно весь семестр, он бы сейчас не боялся экзаменов. 6. Она бы была здоровым человеком, если бы следовала советам врача все эти годы. 7. Если бы мы знали его адрес, мы бы сообщили ему о результатах экзаменов еще вчера. 8. Если бы ты следил за выступлением внимательно, ты бы сейчас не задавал таких вопросов.


Ex. 45. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood.




When I was young I hated art. I never (to hate) it so much if I (not to live) with an artist — it was my father — if I (not to see) how hard he took his failures. That's why I was very glad to get the chance of going into an office and become a clerk.

I had a bowler hat, a home, a nice little wife and a nice little baby. I sent money to my mother every week, and helped my sister. A nice happy young man. I enjoyed life in those days.

But one day when I was sitting in our London office I happened to drop a blot* on an envelope. But for this drop of ink my life (to contin­ue) to be nice and pleasant. Having nothing better to do just then, I started pushing it about with my pen to try and make it look more like a face. And from that moment I was lost. If only I (to be able) to keep from drawing I (not to be) what I am now. I couldn't keep from drawing even during office hours.

When my boss found out about it he sent for me and said he was dissatisfied with me. But I said I (to give up) drawing gladly if I could.

"Jimson," he said, "I don't want to turn you out. If I (to turn) you out now you never (to be able) to get another job. I suggest that you take a couple of days off and think it over. This is my final suggestion."

If I (to listen) to reason then I still (to be) a good clerk now. But I spent my holiday drawing, and when I went back to the office I didn't last long. I left within a week. I painted about twelve hours a day and hated to be interrupted. Some of my pictures were even sold. They were very classical. Almost early Turner."'*

But then one day I happened to see a Manet*** and was greatly im­pressed. When I came out of the museum I saw the whole world in a different light. But for Manet I (not to see) the world of colour as I see it now.

(after "The Horse's Mouth" by Joyce Cary)

* клякса

** British painter, 1775—1851 *

** French impressionist painter, 1832—1883


Ex. 46. Test translation.


1. Ему очень хотелось познакомить ее со своими друзьями. 2. Хотя я и знаком с ним целый год, он все еще остается для меня загадкой. 3. Прежде чем принять окончательное решение, нужно еще раз все хорошо обдумать. 4. На вашем месте я бы отказался от этой идеи. Ее трудно осуществить. 5. Он обошелся с ними очень некрасиво. Он даже накричал на них. Ему бы следовало извиниться перед ними за свое поведение. 6. Казалось, мой вопрос озадачил его. Он не нашелся, что ответить. 7. Я почти уверен, что они бы согласились с нашим предложением, если бы не последний пункт. 8. Нам пришлось отложить посещение музея до следующего месяца, так как он был закрыт на ремонт. 9. Если бы не его терпение и упорная работа, он бы не добил­ся таких хороших результатов. 10. Ребенок настолько непослушен, что у нее не хватает с ним терпения. 11. Зачем вдаваться в подроб­ности? Вопрос всем ясен. 12. Он подробно рассказал нам о своих впе­чатлениях о поездке на Кубу. 13. Канал, соединяющий Москву реку с Волгой, был построен в 1937 году. 14. Как раз в связи с предстоя­щей экзаменационной сессией вчера было проведено собрание. 15. Простите, я не расслышал в какой связи вы упомянули это событие. 16. Если бы вы предложили ему свою помощь, он бы с радостью при­нял ее. 17. Нельзя терять ни одной минуты. Положение очень серьез­ное. Я предлагаю, чтобы вы как можно скорее связались с городом и попросили вызвать профессора. 18. Ваш дом совершенно не нуж­дается в ремонте, он в прекрасном состоянии (порядке). Покрасьте его, и он будет выглядеть опять новым. 19. Он с трудом узнал свою собственную подпись, которую поставил под документом двадцать лет назад. 20. Выставка современной живописи произвела на нас большое впечатление. Ее несомненно стоило посетить. 21. Почему бы вам не взяться изучать еще один иностранный язык в дополнение к английскому? Вы можете позволить себе это, у вас достаточно вре­мени. 22. Не откладывайте задание на завтра, принимайтесь за ра­боту немедленно.


Ex. 47. Retell in narrative form.





Soames turned his head and saw his cousin June.

"How are you!" he said. "Haven't seen you for twenty years."

"No. How do you like the exhibition?"

"I don't. The show must be a financial loss to its owner."

"Of course it is."

"How do you know?"

"It's my Gallery."


"Pardon? Yours? What makes you run a show like this? Nobody's going to buy such pictures. If you take my advice, you'll close this ex­hibition."

At this moment Fleur's voice said:

"Hello, Father! Here you are! Sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Well," said Soames, "you're a punctual sort of young woman."

"You're not going to buy any of these, Father?" Fleur pointed to the pictures.

"No," said Soames.

Fleur dragged at his arm. "Oh! Let's go! It's an awful show any­way."

(after "To Let" by J. Galsworthy)

Ex. 48. Answer the following questions. Sum up your answers.

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