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III. in a predicative clause

Ex. 27. Study the following chart.

  1. The suggestion is that we (should) hire a car. 2. The matter is that everybody (should) take part in the discussion. 3. The request was that all the guests (should) leave the keys with the reception clerk.

Ex. 28. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood in a predicative clause.

M o d e l: It was ordered that every student should go through a med­ical examination before joining the sports club.

The order was that every student should go through a med­ical examination before joining the sports club.

1. It was suggested that the conference should be held in April. 2. It's requested that visitors should not touch the museum exhibits. 3. It's ordered that those who leave last should switch off the light and lock the laboratory. 4. It is recommended that he should give up sports for a while to catch up with his studies 5. It was demanded that he should give an explanation for his behaviour.


Ex. 29. Translate the following sentences using the subjunctive mood in predicative clauses.

1. Было распоряжение, чтобы в субботу собрания не проводи­лись. 2. Его предложение заключалось в том, чтобы каждый выска­зал свое мнение по поводу внедрения новых методов в работу. 3. Просьба подавать жалобы в письменном виде. 4. Дело в том, что­бы вы поняли значение этой задачи и отнеслись к ней со всей ответ­ственностью. 5. Наше основное требование заключается в том, чтобы вы проявляли больше активности при обсуждении этого вопроса.


Ex. 30. Open the brackets using the Subjunctive Mood.


We, medical students, spent two days a week in the accident room, where I began to feel I was at last learning a little medicine by discov­ering how to put a bandage* on without dropping it to the floor first.

The order was that a pair of us (to sleep) once a week in hospital attending to cases that came during the night. This system was nearly the end of Tony Benskin. In his walks round the sleeping hospital he had met a pretty nurse and it looked as if he (to fall) in love with her. Benskin's romance (to end) harmlessly if he (not to make) a mistake on the last night of our work in the hospital. To celebrate the end of our week in the accident room we spent the evening in the King George**. At eleven, when it was time we (to return) to the hospital, Benskin rushed to see his night nurse, while I went to bed.

Just after three I was shaken awake. Automatically I reached for my trousers, thinking that it was necessary that I (to go) to the acci­dent room: but it was Benskin.

"I wish you (to let) me sleep," I said in a rough voice.

"Old man!" he said. "You've got to help me!" He acted as if some­thing terrible (to happen).

"What's the matter?" I inquired sleepily.

"You know that night nurse — Molly?"


"Well, listen, old man, Oh, I wish you (not to go) to sleep again. Tonight I came to see her and before I knew where I was I'd asked her to marry me! But for the pint I had had at the King George I never (to do) a thing like that!"

I tried to clear the sleep and alcohol out of my eyes: "It's doubtful that she (to accept) you."

"But she did. Don't you realise what's happened! She's set her heart on marrying me!"

"Perhaps she'll have forgotten all about it by the morning," I sug­gested hopefully.

"Forgotten? Not on your life! You know what these women are! The news'll spread all over the hospital by nine o'clock in the morning. I wish I never (to do) a foolish thing like that!"

"If I (to be) you, I (to go) and explain that it was all in fun."

Benskin gave a laugh: "You go!"

"I see your point. It's necessary that I (to think) in silence."

After about twenty minutes I had an idea. I criticized it to myself carefully, and it looked as if it (to work).

"I think I've got the answer," I said and explained it to him. He shook me warmly by the hand and rushed away.

The solution was a simple one. My advice was that Benskin (to pro­pose)* to every single night nurse in the hospital.

(after "Doctor in the House" by Richard Gordon)

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