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After John O’Нага.

Laura was the first person to take a seat in the Pullman. It was always that way with Laura. Whether for a train, a dentist appoint­ment, the theatre, a dinner-party, Laura was always punctual. In her home town, her friends would look out of their windows, and seeing Laura on her way to a luncheon or other meeting, they would say, "We have plenty of time. Laura's just leaving." Her punctuality meant that she often had to wait for people. In fact, some time ago, she had been kept waiting a very long time. And now here was the man who had made her wait, taking his seat at the other end of the car.

After ten years, she still knew him before she saw his face. She was annoyed with herself because the sight of him made her realize that she still cared. Just in time she pretended to shade her eyes with her hand as he turned around before sitting down.

The train started. Frank was deep in his paper and a dozen Pull­man chairs away from him, Laura was left with her memory of an af­ternoon a decade ago, an afternoon when she had waited, and waited alone. He had arranged to meet her at Luigi's. He had chosen the place with great care, it was a place where no one knew her. "I'll telephone them to expect you, and you go straight through the bar to the last booth. You won't know anybody, but just in case."

When she went into the place, the owner seemed to recognize her. "Yes, lady, you are meeting Mr. Hillman. Right this way, please." He led her to the booth, took her order for the first drink. She had left her bags in the front of the restaurant, and there was not the slight­est doubt in her mind that the owner knew what was going on. He was very polite, very attentive as though every afternoon at four, he greeted young women who were walking out on their husbands because they had fallen madly in love with someone else.

There was admiration but no disrespect in his eyes as he brought her the first drink. The admiration gave way to pity after she had wait­ed two hours and had taken her sixth drink. Then she went home. Frank had tried to get in touch with her, but all his attempts were unsuccess­ful because she had never replied.

"Would you like to have lunch with me in the dining car?" Frank was standing over her with his easy charming smile.

"Why, Frank," she said, pleased that she did not sound as fright­ened as she felt. "Why, yes, thanks." She got up and they went to the diner. They did not speak until they had ordered. She hoped that the years had changed her as little as they had him. He was still very hand­some.

"I'm very pleased," he said.

"Why? At what?"

"That you speak to me. For ten years I've wanted to tell you about that awful day. I know you think I should at least have telephoned. but you never gave me a chance to tell you what happened. Do you know what happened?"

"What happened, Frank?"

"I met with an accident on my way to Luigi's, I was run down by a taxi. When I woke up in the hospital it was too late to call you even if I could have got out of bed, which I didn't for nearly three months."

"Really?" she said.

"And of course there was no one I could ask to phone you. No one else knew."

All at once she saw a way to wipe out the humiliation of those ten years and that one afternoon. '-Frank, I've got to tell you something. 1 wasn't there." She looked at him and, she knew, convincingly.


"I never went to the place. I did come to New York. I was going to meet you, but at the last minute I was afraid."

"But, Laura," he said, "when I got out of the hospital, I asked Lui-gi. He said yes, he remembered a lady waiting for me."

"It wasn't I. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't walk out on Bob that way. Then when I went home I was ashamed for being such a coward. That's why I never returned your calls. I was too cowardly."

"You weren't there." He said in a flat voice. "I can't believe it. I can't believe it."

"It worked out better this way," she said. She was heartless, cruel, but she got some comfort out of what she had said.

"Well, I suppose so," he said. He was taking it very well. He couldn't have her see what a hard blow it was for him. "Punctual Laura, on the one occasion when you really should have been on time, you didn't turn up at all."

"Well, better never than late, as they say," she said sweetly.


Ex. 40. Use the following words and phrases in situations.

A Trip

to intend to go on a trip some place; to set a day for the departure; to choose to travel by railway; to make inquiries about smth by phone; to book a return ticket in a sleeping car; to start packing one's luggage; an eventful day; to fuss about smth; to turn one's flat upside down; at smb's suggestion; to take smth along; to be on the safe side; finally; to set out; to take a taxi; to arrive at the station safe; to hire a porter; to pile one's luggage on a truck; to have one's luggage put in a luggage van; to catch sight of smb; to come to seesmboff; towishsmb a comfort­able journey; to be in high spirits; a signal of departure; to pull out of the station; to wave good-bye to smb; to move slowly; to pick up speed; to be out of sight; to settle down to enjoy smth


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