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EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 6. Study the following phrases and a) recall the sentences in which they are used in text; b) use them when retelling the text.

Ex. 6. Study the following phrases and a) recall the sentences in which they are used in text; b) use them when retelling the text.

interview smb about smth; by letter; in (the) future; one by one; give way to fear; on hand; be behind smth (fig.), to be unaware of; play for; jump to one's feet; get on with; get through (some business); bring to smb's notice; be involved in; amount to; at the election; start on a programme; let smb/smth down; confidence in; stand up for; put trust in; say to smb's face; basis for; take into one's confidence; for the best; go back on one's word; in view of; in favour of; concentrate on; busy with.


Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

A. 1.... view... the approaching conference the organisation committee is busy... all kinds of arrangements. 2. He found it difficult to concentrate... the work with so many people around. 3. Are you brave and honest enough to say right... his face what you are saying... his back? 4. It was much easier to deal... the problem... letter than face the angry customer and account... all the things that ought to have been done but never had. 5. The actress's indifference gave way... pleasure as soon as the man introduced himself as a reporter and said that he had come to interview her... her latest successful film. 6. There was hardly anything to say... support... his plan. 7. Let him do the work alone, it will give him confidence... himself. 8.... first they couldn't make... who was... the plan. 9. How could she have let them...! They put ah their trust... her. 10. His betrayal was brought... our knowledge only recently. 11. Having got lost... a strange city once, I never leave the hotel now without a city-plan. 12. The young worker can be trusted... the work, he won't spoil it. 13. With so much work... hand I can hardly think... going... a holiday now. 14. He is sure to stand...... his friends... any circumstances. 15. She did not answer the question... once. She was evidently playing... time. 16. I regret to say his help did not amount... much. 17. When the old woman got... the bus, a young man sitting next... the door jumped... his feet and offered her his seat. 18. The boys continued playing football unaware... the rain. 19. If he promises something he'll never get back... his word. 20. He was proud to have been taken... their confidence.

B. Opening the envelope Dave pulled... a printed form:

"The Chicago Great Midland Railroad Company no longer needs the services of Mr. David Spaas as carbuilder. Mr. Spaas will report... the office... once and hand... the keys."

... moment Dave could not think what to do next. Surprise gave way... anger. He had expected many kinds... attacks, but he had not expected this; how much easier it was... them to deal... his case... letter. He searched his mind trying to remember if he had made any mis­takes... the job that could have given them an excuse, even a thin one, to fire* him. He could think... nothing. He put the letter... his pocket and walked over... Halsted Street... breakfast.

Dave sat... the corner and waited... Uncle Jennison who'd most likely soon be coming... a cup of coffee. He knew Jennison could be trusted... his case. He would stand... him.

When Uncle Jennison came... Dave waited while he filled his cup, then came over... his table. Uncle Jennison stared... him, his cup half raised... his lips. "I've got something... you," Dave held... his letter.

"They sent you this?" Jennison asked.

"Does that surprise you?"

"No, boy. I expected it. I saw it coming."

"Suppose you come...... the office... me now, Jennison, and tell them you're going to fight... me, support me."

Uncle Jennison shook his head. It amounted... a refusal. He did not want to be involved. "I can't do it. I can't do it, Davey. They should have told you."

"Told me what?"

"That you're no longer a member... this union. Now I can say nothing... your defence or... your favour, either."

"What are the charges they made... me?"

"Belonging... the Communist Party."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You've let me.... And I've put all my trust... you. I might have had a chance to defend myself." Dave's voice betrayed his excitement.

"They wouldn't have given you the chance, boy."

(after "The Great Midland" by A. Saxton)


Ex. 8. Give the English for the following phrases, using the preposition "under" in its different meanings. Use the phrases in sentences of your own.

I. а) под домом, под полом, под крышей, под мостом, под дере­вом, под зонтом; уволить

б) под водой, под землей;

в) книга подмышкой, песок под ногами.

II. под командой, под руководством, под управлением.

III. при (данных, таких) обстоятельствах, при обстановке (усло­виях).

IV. согласно договоренности, по условиям договора, по соглаше­нию, согласно закону.

V. на рассмотрении, на обсуждении, на ремонте.

VI. под впечатлением, под подозрением, под наблюдением.



статья под заголовком; писать под псевдонимом; жить под чужим именем; родиться под счастливой звездой; несовершеннолетний; дети, моложе 16 лет; находиться под чьим-л влиянием; под покровом ночи.


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