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EXERCISES IN LEXICOLOGY. Ex. 9. Read and translate the following

Ex. 9. Read and translate the following. Give the meaning of the prefix "pre";.

1. In the course of the pre-war five-year plans, as a result of social­ist industrialization, Moscow was transformed into a great industrial centre. 2. The local museum is reported to have received an impressive collection of exhibits belonging to pre-historic times. 3. The pre-view of a film is always a very important event. 4. Their course of action seemed to be predetermined. 5. He suspected that there was a prearranged plot on hand. 6. It looks as if you had a prejudged opinion of the man.


Ex. 10. Recast the following using verbs with the suffix "-ize(ise)" instead of the words in bold type. Make other necessary changes.

1. Following the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution industrialization of the country's economy became one of the most im­portant tasks of the Soviet people. 2. Productivity of labour largely depends on mechanization and automation. 3. Computers seem to have made a revolution in technology. 4. What are the characteristic features of the economy of developing countries? 5. In order to sell their goods sellers will place advertisements in newspapers and magazines. 6. Real­ization of their plan turned out to be no easy thing under the circum­stances. 7. Recognition came late in his literary career. 8. He didn't object to criticism provided it was fair.


Ex. 11. Recast the following using adjectives with the suffix "-ous" instead of the words in bold type. Make other necessary changes:

1. The seriousness of the situation couldn't be denied. 2. The tourists were aware that the mountain climb was full of danger. 3. Her trembling hands betrayed her anxiety. 4. A person who is filled with ambition always works hard. 5. His sudden disappearance from town was a mys­tery. 6. The rain which continued for days on end delayed the construc­tion of the bridge. 7. The book "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (1812) brought Byron immediate fame.


Ex. 12. Paraphrase the following using verbs instead of the nouns in bold type.

1. You may put your trust in the man, he won't let you down. 2. He thought he'd better make a move for the door before the bus stopped. 3. Two counts were necessary before he was certain of the figures. 4. What are the charges against the man? 5. In his efforts to win he depended on his friends' support and help. 6. Don't waste time. You'd better make a start. 7. It was a remarkable jump. The sportsman set a new record. 8. The man had a keen sense of danger. 9. She greeted me with a cheerful smile.


Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make sen­tences with the phrases in bold type.

1. Mechanization in agriculture went hand in hand with its modern­ization. 2. It was a step by step progress towards the aim he had set himself. 3. They reminded him about his promise time after time but he always had an excuse. 4. They were seen to walk along the street arm in arm. 5. The items on the agenda were taken up one by one. 6. Once she started on her favourite subject there was no stopping her. She would talk on and on. 7. Little by little he was coming to realize the impor­tance of his professor's words.


Ex. 14. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meaning.

pension, individual, emphatic, serious, atmosphere, crisis, lactic, nervous, start, programme, repression, imperialist, adventure, democra­cy, democratical, assembly, public, figure, basis, attack, ignore, con­tribution, position, compromise, concentrate, initiative, ambition.


Ex. 15. Replace the words in bold type by a suitable phrasal verb from the list.

look smb up, let smb down, get on with smth, give smb away, get through with smth, stand up for smth, put off.

1. He is a good fighter the kind of man who will defend his principles to the last. 2. Her disappointment was obvious; it was her trembling lips that betrayed her. 3. Though the task was far from pleasant, there was no other way but to start with it. In fact, the sooner he finished it, the better. 4. That he should have failed a friend was unthinkable. 5. We hoped that our friend would visit us some time later in the evening. 6. The matter was all-important and could not be postponed.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 939. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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