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VOCABULARY EXERCISES. Ex 16. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form

Ex 16. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Trans­late the sentences into Russian:

to avoid, aware, to betray, confidence, confident, defeat, to elect, to escape, favour, to influence, keen, to owe, selfish, sincere, sincerity, to struggle, to support, support, to trust, trust, to vote.

1. All the committee members... in favour of the proposal. 2. There was no reason to doubt the girl's... in wishing to help. 3. The words were out before he could check them. Now there was no way of... embar­rassment. 4. His... at the championship was something he still had to get over. He remembered his trainer saying that it would never do to be too... of one's success. 5. As it was, the man could produce no evidence in... of his accusation and agreed to withdraw it. 6. If you wish for my true opinion, I'm not very... on detective stories, they never seem to amount to much. 7. From long years of experience he had learned to... nobody's judgement in such matters but his own. 8. The young scientist... much of his success to the professor who had always... him whole-heartedly in whatever he did. 9. He had certainly been most... in his intentions, but what actually came of his efforts is quite a different mat­ter. 10. The students had met to... someone as their representative on the committee. 11.1 made another effort but it was hopeless. It looked as if the name had... my memory completely. 12. The doctor walked on, lost in thought, and it was several minutes before he became... of what was happening around. 13. My friend explained that the infor­mation had been given him in... and he just couldn't see himself betray­ing the... put in him. 14. The young man's manner clearly... his emo­tion. He was asking no..., he said, he was demanding his rights. 15.... people seldom have friends. 16. The boat was... against a heavy wind. 17. It was useless trying to... the girl. Her mind was made up.


Ex. 17. Paraphrase the following, using words and word combinations from the text. Make all other necessary changes.

to escape smb's notice, a narrow escape, to be keen on smth (2), to defeat, to influence, to play for smth, to give way to, to avoid.

1. First she laughed and then she cried, as it often happens with people who are overexcited. 2. He was all but killed in the accident. 3. Her words had no effect on me, as I had made my choice and would stick to it whatever happened. 4. It seemed funny that in all my walks about the city I had never noticed the house before. 5. There was no getting away from the truth; it was staring him in the face. 6. The speaker was obvious­ly trying to win the support of the audience. 7. The man had always been ambitious for success. 8. He had lost the game, but he was not beaten yet. There was still plenty of fight in him. 9. He was a man of broad interests, fond of many things and especially music.


Ex. 18. Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below.

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