PRECIS WRITING. Ex. 26. a) Read the passage, b) write 3-5 questions covering the basic points of the passage, c) give a title to the passage and write a precis.
Ex. 26. a) Read the passage, b) write 3-5 questions covering the basic points of the passage, c) give a title to the passage and write a precis. The British State is a capitalist state. Not only is economic power firmly in the hands of the capitalist trusts, the entire constitutional and state apparatus remains firmly in their hands no matter which government rules. The British constituticnal system is one which has developed over the years as an expression of the rule of capitalism and for the protection of the capitalist social order. Traditionally the Tory Party is the business men's party. In fact, however, the Labour Government also administered the country in the interest of big business. It functioned as the second party of capitalism in the so-called traditional British two-party system. Despite the democratic rights won by the struggles of the people the real power in Britain is concentrated in the hands of the great trusts and banks and the tiny section of rich property owners. They control the land, industry, finance and trade. The State is their state, the judges, the higher civil servants, the diplomats, the generals and the police chiefs are drawn from their social circles. They own the newspapers, dominate the broadcasting system. Democracy under present conditions is restricted for the majority of the people by the power and the privilege of the wealthy few. The trusts and the state apparatus become one at all imporlant and commanding points. The directors of the trusts, landowners and bankers, staff the Cabinet, Parliament* and Lords,** and sit in the key positions of the State. Men of their social class staff the state apparatus, the armed forces, the police and the judiciary. And when the top-ranking men in these positions reach retiring age they formally join the trusts as directors of highly-paid servants. Their political instrument for controlling the state is the Tory Party.
(after "The British Political System" by J. Gollan)