Create a HEAD SCRATCHING teaser.
Essentially you want this reaction from the viewer: “What is this movie about?! I MUST KNOW!” Obviously, they will sign up for updates because they are so bewildered and intrigued. This means that you better have your website clearly posted at the end of your teaser so your potential fan knows where to go for more information. Create a JAW DROPPING trailer. Release your trailer 1-2 weeks after you’ve released your head scratching teaser. Everyone is seriously dying to know what your movie is about. By this time, their curiosity has taken them to your movie blog to read up on the movie and you have captured their email addresses to give them updates about the movie and the release of this jaw dropping trailer. A few things on what not to do when creating your short film’s trailer include DO NOT make it longer than your film and DO NOT tell the whole story. Again, you want to intrigue your audience and catch their attention. And of course, have your website posted at the end of the trailer so people know where to go. It’s all about bringing your audience to that “home base”. If you want to fail your marketing campaign cut a bad trailer, post it online — and then don’t accept feedback. A bad trailer is worse than no trailer at all.