Submit to TV and Cable Shows.
Yes! There are some TV and Cable Shows that feature short films. For a listing, please visit Again, be sure to have your film’s website listed at the end of the credits. Also, when you get accepted, be sure to blast it to your online audience so they can catch it. Like most things, thinking outside of the box gets results. The unusual and unheard of gets noticed. At the end of the day, after you have done all of these things, you will find that the audience you have been exposed to is greater than you could ever have imagined. You have a body of work and a newfound fan base. How much easier will it be for you to market your next short film and one day, your feature film? Exercise 46. Find the following words and word combinations in the article and give their definition in English. Use the dictionary or browse the net if necessary. 1. to download cell-phone ringtones; 2. desktop wallpaper; 3. huge ads; 4. to place billboards all around; 5. to place full-page ads; 6. to run tons of teaser trailers on TV; 7. a trailer production house; 8. a prime spot for …; 9. a blooper; 10. a viral video; 11. a video-sharing site; 12. product tie-ins; 13. a home base; 14. IMDB; 15. Email sign-up; 16. hardcore fans; 17. to embed video; 18. SEO; 19. a high search engine hit; 20. an anchor; 21. opt-ins; 22. to capture email addresses; 23. to acknowledge the feedback; 24. a vlog; 25. sneak peeks; 26. a write up; 27. TV and cable shows; 28. to blast smth to smb; 29. to think outside (of the) box.