В пабе
YOU: Two beers, please. Lager, if you have.
- Два пива, пожалуйста. Легкое пиво, если у вас есть.
WAITRESS: O.K., gentlemen. Would you like bottled lager or draught?
-Хорошо. Вы бы хотели пиво в бутылках или из бочки?
YOU: What's draught?
-Из бочки?
WAITRESS: Oh, that just means it's out of the barrel.
-Это просто означает, что оно из бочки.
YOU: O.K. We'll try some of that. And bring us something to eat, please. - Хорошо. Мы попробуем что-то из этого. И принесите что-нибудь поесть, пожалуйста
WAITRESS: We've got sausages and some sandwiches if you like: beef, turkey, ham or cheese and tomato. - У нас есть сосиски и какие –то сэндвичи, если Вы будите: с говядиной, индейкой, ветчиной или сыром и помидорами.
YOU: Thank you. I think we'll have four sausages. - Спасибо. Думаю, мы будем четыре сосиски.
Упражнения. Пользуясь таблицей, составьте вопросы и ответьте на них. - Will you have some eggs and bacon? – Yes, please. - Will you have some more chicken broth? – No, thank you. - May I help you to some ice cream? – Yes, please. - Will you have some duck? – No, thank you. - May I help you to some salmon? – No. thank you. - Will you have some more caviar? – Yes, please. - May I help you to some apple pie? – Yes, please. - Will you have some vegetables? – No, thank you.
3. Переведите реплики одного из собеседников с руского на английский:
1) A: Can I help you? B: Да, пожалуйста. Я бы хотел бутерброд с ветчиной, две сосиски и томатный сок. - Yes, please. I’d like a sandwich with some ham, two sausages and some tomato juice. A: Is it to go or for here? B: Бутерброд я возьму с собой. Сколько я должен заплатить? - The sandwich is to go. How much must I pay?
2) A: How do you want your steak? B: С кровью, пожалуйста. На гарнир я бы хотел отварной картофель и зеленый горошек. - Rare, please. On the side dish I’d like baked potatoes and green peas. A:Will you have some coffee? B:Да, пожалуйста. - Yes, please. A:Do you take cream with your coffee? B: Нет, черный кофе, пожалуйста. - No, black coffee, please.
4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и составьте из ответов краткий рассказ: A. 1. How many meals do you have a day? – I have three meals a day. 2. When do you have your breakfast (dinner, supper)? – I have my breakfast at 7 o’clock. I have dinner at about 2 o’clock/ I have supper at 6 o’clock. 3. What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)? – I usually have a cup of tea with milk and some sandwich with cheese. For my dinner I have some mushroom soup and roast beef with fried potatoes. I drink some coffee. I have some salad with cabbage or cucumbers (огурцы) and tomatoes and sometimes I have some fried eggs with sausages for supper. I like roast chicken too for supper. 4. What is your favourite dish? – My favourite dish is steak and ice cream. 5. Are you a good cook? – No, I’m not. I don’t like to cook.
Б. 1. Do you often eat out? – No, I don’t. I don’t eat out so offen. 2. Do you go to a restaurant alone or with your friends? – When I go to a restaurant I invite my friends. I don’t like to go to the restaurant alone. 3. What do you usually order? – I usually order French fries or steak and salad with vegetables. I like ice cream for sweet 4. Where are meals more expensive, in a restaurant or a cafe? – Of course, meals in a restaurant is more expensive.
5. Спросите своего гостя: if he will have dinner with you; if he would like some appetizer; what he would like to drink; which he would rather have: chicken or steak; if he wants another helping; if he takes lemon with his tea. - Would you like to dine with me? - Would you like some appetizer? - What would you like to drink? - Which would you rather have: some chicken or steak? - May I help you to some (another) caviar (икра)? Another piece of chicken? - Do you take your tea with lemon? 6. Измените следюющие предложения, используя конструкцию «How (want) about…?» Выразите согласие или вежливо откажитесь. Образец: Would you like to have lunch? -> How about having lunch? a) Fine, with pleasure. б) I'm afraid I can't. 1. Have some wine .-> How about having some wine? - I'm afraid I can't. 2. Let's dine out tonight. -> How about dining out tonight? - Fine, with pleasure. 3. Will you have some more salad? -> How about some more salad? - Fine, with pleasure. 4. Why not go to the cinema now? -> How about going to the cinema now? - I'm afraid I can't. 5. What do you say to having a cocktail? -> How about having a cocktail? - Fine, with pleasure. 6. Come over to my place next Friday. -> How about coming to my place next Friday? - Fine, with pleasure.
7. Обратитесь с просьбой, исхобя из данных ситуаций: 1. You need some salt but you can't reach it. -> Will you pass me the salt, please? 2. You want some more bread but you can't reach it. -> Could you pass me some more bread? 3. You have enjoyed the roast beef and want some more. -> May I have some more roast beef? 4. You want the waiter to bring you the bill. -> Give us the bill, please. 5. You want to know if you may smoke here. -> May I ask you some question? May I smoke here?