D. Complete these sentences with the phrasal verbs from Exercise C in the correct form.
1) Haven't your notes … yet? Perhaps they are in your coat. 2) Are you … after class tonight or going home? 3) Who's going to … that experiment? 4) It is time I … marking the papers. 5) … your answers carefully. 6) I haven't … my homework yet. It is still in my bag. 7) I can't … all the latest technology. 8) Come and … your old coursework from my office. 9) He didn't really … his meaning … to the students. 10) We are trying to … the best way to meet students' needs. E. Read these tips for exam success and match phrasal verbs from a) – h) with their definitions from 1) – 8). Six tips for exam success · Keep your reading up (a) during the term so that you have less to read just before the exam. · Brush up on (b) some of the things you learnt a long time ago; they may possibly come up (c) in the exam. · Don't just mug up (d) on the key points you need for the exam and hope that you'll scrape through (e) with little effort. · On the other hand, don't try to do everything. Swatting up (f) on everything you have done all term means you will have to revise a lot of useless things too. · Concentrate on polishing up (g) the most important areas and your best skills. · Don't fool yourself that you'll pass the exam on the basis of what you've picked up (h) during the lectures and classes. You will need to revise!
1) continue to do something 2) practice and improve your skills or your knowledge of something, usually something you learned in the past but have partly forgotten 3) if a question or a subject comes up in an exam, that question is asked or questions about that subject are asked in the exam 4) quickly try to learn the main facts about a subject, especially before an exam 5) manage with a lot of difficulty to succeed in something 6) learning as much as you can about something, especially before exam 7) practicing and improving your skills or your knowledge of something 8) learnt by absorbing it rather than studying it