Time for Fun
· One day a professor was discussing a particularly complicated physics concept. A pre-med student rudely interrupted to ask, “Why do we have to learn this pointless information.” “To save lives,” the professor responded quickly and continued the lecture. A few minutes later, the same student spoke up again. “So how does physics save lives?” he persisted. “It keeps the ignoramuses like you out of medical school,” replied the professor.
· Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. (Albert Einstein)
· French physicist Ampere (1775–1836) had two cats, one big and a one small, and he loved them very much. But when the door was closed cats couldn’t enter or exit the room. So Ampere ordered two holes to be made in his door: one big for the big cat, and one small for the small cat. · What’s the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers? Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
Unit 4. European and International Educational Environment G Active Vocabulary of the Unit: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK), the United States of America (the USA), to occupy, island, to be washed by, to have large deposits of, branch of industry, to consist of, urban, surface, maritime, parliamentary monarchy, fog, desert, valley, highland, lake, waterfall, in honor of, leap year, independence; landmark, tower, fortress, contemporary, sky-scraper, suburbs, inhabitant; to attend, public school, boarding school, GCSE, curriculum, to enroll, interview, free of charge, requirement, high school, campus. Lesson 19. Great Britain 19.1. Розмовна тема. Велика Британія