Task 10. Find the English equivalents to the following word combinations.
на екрані; полегшувати; відшукувати інформацію; вид, проекція (тексту); розлад (планів); розділити слово (для переносу); підходити, відповідати; контролювати; бути відповідальним за що-небудь; підставляти, замінювати; складні індекси Task 11. Look at the words in the box and complete the following sentences with them. Use the information in the text.
1. … stands for 'What you see is what you get'. It means that your printout will precisely match what you see on the screen. 2. … refers to the process by which the space between the words in a line is divided evenly to make the text flush with both left and right margins. 3. You can change font by selecting the font name and point size from the …. 4. … refers to a distinguishing visual characteristic of a typeface; 'italic', for example is a … that may be used with a number of typefaces. 5. The … menu of a word processor allows you to.set margins, page numbers, spaces between columns and paragraph justifications. 6. … enables you to combine two files, one containing names and addresses and the other containing a standard letter. 7. An … is the distance between the beginning of a line and the left margin, or the end of a line and the right margin. Indented text is usually narrower than text without ….