| Forms of the MV
| Forms of the infinitive
| Kinds of sentences
| Some other ways of expressing the same meaning
| Sentence patterns
| 1. Obligation arising out of a plan, an arrangement
| am (is, are) to
was (were) to
Indefinite Infinitive
Perfect Infinitive (an unfulfilled plan)
| to plan; to make a plan; to arrange; to agree; to decide
| Today I am to go to the post-office. When are you to go there?
Yesterday I was to have gone to the post-office to send a parcel, but I wasn’t able to. (a planned action was not carried out)
| 2. An order, an instruction
| -||-||-
| Indefinite Infinitive
| affirmative
| If your letter contains anything valuable you are to register it.
| 3. Possibility
| -||-||-
| Indefinite Infinitive Passive
| affirmative
| A letter marked ‘Post Restante’ is to be left at the post-office until it is called for.
Where are postal orders to be cashed?
Such envelopes aren’t to be bought anywhere.
| 4. Something thought as unavoidable
| -||-||-
| Indefinite Infinitive
| affirmative
| I didn’t know when I was to get a letter from her.
I still hoped to get a letter from her, but it wasn’t to be.
| Remember the following set phrases:
1. Where am I to go? – Куди я маю йти?
2. It’s to be hoped. – Потрібно сподіватися.
3. What am I to do? – Що я маю робити?
4. What is to become of me? – Що має зі мною бути?
5. When am I to be there? – О котрій я маю прийти?
6. Who is to begin? – Хто має починати?
7. Who’s to blame? – Хто винен?
8. What’s to be done? – Що потрібно робити?
9. He’s nowhere to be found. – Його не можна ніде знайти.
10. He is to be pitied. – Його потрібно пожаліти.
11. You are to be congratulated – Ви маєте його привітати.
| Forms of the MV
| Forms of the infinitive
| Kinds of sentences
| Some other ways of expressing the same meaning
| Sentence patterns
| 1. Obligation weakened to the sense of advice, desirability
| should
Should I…?
ought to
oughtn’t to
Ought I to…?
| Indefinite Infinitive
Continuous Infinitive
The Perfect Infinitive indicates that a desirable action was not carried out (an undesirable action was not carried out).
| I advise you to…
I advise you not to…
I recommend you to do…
I urge you to do…
It is for you to do…
I would advise you to do…
| You ought to/should help your friend. He is in trouble.
You should/ought to be getting ready for your report.
You ought to/should have changed for the Underground. Gorky Street is far away from here.
He oughtn’t to/shouldn’t have left London without visiting Hyde Park.
| 2. Instructions, corrections
| should
Should I…?
| Indefinite Infinitive
| affirmative
| This preposition should be pronounced with a neutral sound in an unstressed position.
You should take this medicine three times a day before your meals.
| 3. Disapproval, reproach for failing to do what was one’s duty or moral obligation
| should
ought to
oughtn’t to
| The Continuous Infinitive refers the action to the present.
The Perfect Infinitive indicates that the action was not carried out.
| affirmative
| You ought to/should be speaking more clearly.
You oughtn’t to/should have allowed him to go out so early after his illness.
| 4. Supposition implying probability
| should
ought to
oughtn’t to
| The Indefinite Infinitive refers the action to the present or future.
The Perfect Infinitive refers the action to the past.
| affirmative
| Very likely he… It’s likely he… Most likely he… Very probably he… I think it is probable that…I expect he… Probably not…
| This dish ought to/should be very delicious as it has been prepared by Mother.
This dish is very delicious. It ought to/should have been prepared by Mother.
| 5. Emotional colouring
| Should I…?
| Indefinite Infinitive
| interrogative
| Why should I?
Why should you help him?
How should you know?
| Forms of the MV
| Forms of the infinitive
| Kinds of sentences
| Some other ways of expressing the same meaning
| Sentence patterns
| 1. Volition (willingness, readiness, consent, intention, determination)
| I / We will (would)
I / We won’t (wouldn’t)
Indefinite Infinitive
| I intend…
I’m willing…
We wish…
We want…
I’m determined…
| I will tell him about your coming, so he can meet you.
I’ve often spoken at public meetings but this time I won’t
You may come if you will, but you won’t find the meeting amusing.
I said I would take part in the conference.
| 2. a) Persistence or refusal to perform an action.
b) Refusal to perform an action with lifeless things
| will (would)
won’t (wouldn’t)
will (would)
| affirmative
| He insists….
She keeps on…
She refuses…
They continue…
| The teacher scolds her for whispering at the lesson, but she will whisper.
I asked him to tell me the truth, but he wouldn’t.
I couldn’t explain anything because the words wouldn’t come.
He tried hard to stop the car, but it would move.
| 3. Requests (polite requests, polite invitations and suggestions)
| will
| interrogative
| Could you…
May I ask you to give…?
| Will you pass me the salt?
Would you come to tea this afternoon?
Will you have another cup of tea?
| 4. Habitual or recurrent actions
| will (the present tense) (not common)
would (the past tense) (literary style)
| affirmative
| used to
| That romantic girl will sit staring at the night sky.
He would fish for hours without catching anything.
| I. Remember the following set phrases:
1. would rather, would sooner. e.g.: I would rather do it myself. He would sooner diethan do it.
2. Would you mind my staying here? I wouldn’t mind your joining us.
II. Will may express supposition with reference to the present or future in combination with the indefinite infinitive, or to the past in combination with the perfect infinitive. This meaning is found with the 2nd and 3rd persons
e.g.: This will be the school, I believe. You will have heard the news, I’m sure.
III. Notice the use of will in the following sentences:
e.g.: Boys will be boys. Accidents will happen. You will find no greater wisdom than kindness.
| Forms of the MV
| Forms of the infinitive
| Kinds of sentences
| Some other ways of expressing the same meaning
| Sentence patterns
| 1. Asking for instruction
| Shall I?
Shall he (she, they)?
Indefinite Infinitive
| Must I do it?
Do you want me to do it?
Am I to do it?
| Shall I read the article again?
Shall he (she, they) start speaking on the topic?
| 2. Compulsion or strict order
| You
| shall
| affirmative
| I shall make him do it.
I shall get you to do it.
| You shall stop reading fiction books at your lectures.
He shan’t prevent us from working at the problem.
| 3. Threat or warning
| You
| shall
| affirmative
| Tell him he shall be punished for his behaviour.
You shall fail the exam if you don’t work hard.
| 4. Promise
| You
| shall
| affirmative
| You are sure to get…
I promise that they won’t punish you.
| Don’t worry, you shall have a minute’s rest before meeting begins.
| Forms of the MV
| Forms of the infinitive
| Kinds of sentences
| Some other ways of expressing the same meaning
| Sentence patterns
| 1.
Impertinence, to have the courage to do smth
| dare do smth
dared do smth
Indefinite Infinitive
| You dare address me in that tone!
Did he dare to strike me when I was down?
| 2. Not to have courage to do smth
| dared not do smth
| negative
| He didn’t dare to meet his uncle
| Notes
| - “I dare say” has become a stock phrase and acquired a new meaning “I suppose”.
- It is used both:
a) as an normal verb => taking the auxiliary “do” in the interrogative and negative forms, -s in the 3rd person singular and the to+ Infinitive
b) as an anomalous verb => without the auxiliary in its interrogative and negative forms, without –s in the 3rd person singular and with the bare Infinitive (without “to”)
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