Work with a partner to summarize the article above in your own words in 3-5 sentences.
20. Role-play: Assume the following roles and talk about the following: 1) Stem cells for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's disease. 2) Stem cells for beauty treatments. 3) Stem cells for extending one’s life to 150 years. Scientist:Stem cells will provide a real chance to cure diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. They may also extend life and allow older people a better lifestyle. It’s very important to support new research. Politician:Stem cells may provide a cure to terrible diseases, but the price is too high--the death of unborn children! And some people will misuse stem cells for less important diseases. Funding for other research is better! 20-something:You’re healthy... now. Two of your grandparents developed Alzheimer’s early in life, so you could develop the disease, too. Although you’re not sure if stem cells will provide an answer, we should invest in additional research. 21. Talk about the following questions in pairs/groups. Make a report or write an essay on these questions. 1) Is it unethical to collect stem cells if it means that an embryo will be destroyed? Why/ not? 2) Do you think these kinds of experiments are like scientists playing God? Why/ not? 3) What would happen if scientists could cure all diseases some day? 4) If your husband/wife had Alzheimer’s, would you want science to find a cure as soon as possible? What if it meant conducting stem cell research? 5) Who is right, those who follow religion or those who follow science? Why? 6) What will happen if stem cell treatment becomes a reality? What about population, the rich and poor, etc.?