51 Here, you will find weather folklore sayings to help you forecast weather with a funny touch. Say which folklores you will be able to test and use next summer.
1. Horses run fast before a violent storm or before windy conditions.
| 2. Evening grey and morning red, put on your hat or you'll wet your head.
| 3. If wasps build their nests high, the winter will be long and harsh.
| 4. If the goose honks high, fair weather; If the goose honks low, foul weather.
5. Flowers close up before a storm.
| 6. When small clouds join and thicken, expect rain.
| 7. Birds on a telephone wire indicate the coming of rain.
| 8. Dandelion blossoms close before a storm.
9. If the bull leads the cows to pasture, expect rain; if the cows precede the bull, the weather will be uncertain.
| 10. Tulips open their blossoms when the temperature rises, they close again when the temperature falls.
| 11. If the perfume of flowers is unusually perceptible, Expect rain. Flowers smell best just before a rain.
| 12. When swallows fleet soar high and sport in the air, He told us that the welkin would be clear.
13. Expect rain and maybe severe weather when dogs eat grass.
| 14. If autumn leaves are slow to fall, prepare for a cold winter.
| 15. Fish bite best before a rain.
16. When fish break water and bite eagerly, expect rain.
| 17. When ducks quack loudly, it's a sign of rain.
18. When the rooster goes crowing to bed, he will rise with a watery head.
| 19. When the leaves of trees turn over, it foretells windy conditions and possible severe weather.
| 20. Cats scratch a post before wind, Wash their faces before a rain, And sit with backs to the fire before snow.
| 21. If the sparrow makes a lot of noise, rain will follow.
22. Ants are busy, gnats bite, crickets sing louder then usual, spiders come down from their webs, and flies gather in houses just before rain and possible severe storms.
| 23. When bubbles are rising on the surface of coffee and they hold together, good weather is coming; If the bubbles break up, weather you don't need is coming.
| 24. A severe summer denotes a windy autumn; A windy winter a rainy spring; A rainy spring a severe summer; A severe summer a windy autumn; A month that comes in good, goes out bad.
| 25. A summer thunderstorm that does not depress the barometer will be very local and of little consequence.
26. Evening red and morning grey are sure signs of a fine day.
| 27. When spiders weave their webs by Noon, fine weather is coming soon.
| 28. When dogs in your house start looking paranoid schizophrenic, expect very heavy sleet for 5 hours.
| 29. The first frost in autumn will be exactly six months after the first thunderstorm of the spring.
30. Look for foam on the river before a rain.
| 31. Cockroaches are more active before a storm.
| 32. Spiders enlarge and repair their webs before bad weather.
| 33. A reddish sun has water in his eye; before long you won't be dry.
34. When smoke rises but not too high, clouds won't grow and you'll keep dry.
| 35. Sunshiny shower lasts half an hour.
| 36. After black clouds, fair weather.
| 37. If cumulus clouds are smaller at sunset than at noon, expect fair weather.
38. When frogs jump across the road, they are looking for rain.
| 39. If you see toadstools in the morning, expect rain by evening.
| 40. If frogs make a noise at the time of cold rain, warm dry weather will follow.
| 41. Frogs croak before a rain, but in the sun are quiet again.
42. Campfires are smokier before a rain.
| 43. Guitar strings shorten before a rain.
| 44. Doors and drawers stick before a rain.
| 45. When dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass.
52 Imagine you have heard a weather forecast with some severe predictions just before your friend leaves for a holiday. You caution him/her about those possible weather changes and recommend some relevant weather folklores to watch out for. The friend supports the conversation as it unfolds. Act the conversation out in pairs.
Here comes the text of the said forecast:
"The weather will get rapidly windier and more unstable. We should expect storm surges that will threaten the coastal regions. Rainfall will cause most problems. Deep depression with high winds is expected to dump up to 35% more rain, leading to a danger of flash flooding. This combined with higher tides could cause severe disruption in the south where most of the extra rain is expected. Work has already started on the river barrier to strengthen 100 miles of sea defences around the river estuary, where the sea waves could be two meters high. The port of Boonese will face a damaging storm surge and can expect to be flooded unless sea defences are raised."
53 Now let's imagine that the doomsday scenario of the forecast above has turned out to be a paper tiger. There were also alarming articles in newspapers, but, all in all, the holiday went fine and the friend has returned refreshed and energised. Now in a conversation he/she is telling a contradicting story.
You are glad, but slightly at a loss and would like to check out the facts from the newspaper (see below). The friend relates a true story about a successful vacation somewhere in nature's lap.
54 Listen to a passage on Ukraine's environmental circumstances. As you listen, note down the information under the categories presented below.
55 Comment on your notes: explain the reasons, effects, possible consequences and the required crash remedial measures in the "hot spots".