Dubious repugnant culminate in, replenish, regenerate, dwindle, outstrip, omnivorous, pick upon, range against, (in)contestable, sustain
42 Match the words in the left and right columns to restore the collocations from the text. Give the context where they are used. e. g. "packed to bursting". The fishing boat's holds were packed to bursting with the catch when the captain had moored the vessel at the landing dock.
43 Answer the questions on the text and beyond. 1. How would you describe the history of international whaling? 2. How would you describe a typical Norwegian whaling ship? 3. How would you describe the Sofie's crew? 4. How would you describe the average person's attitude to hunting whales? 5. How would you describe the average Lofotener's attitude to whaling? 6. How would you describe Lofoteners' attitudes to that part of people that protest against whaling in all forms? 7. How would you describe the Lofoten Islands? 8. How would you describe the image that Lofoten fishermen have earned themselves? 9. How would you describe the findings of the recent counting stock? 10. How would you describe the environmental lobby? 11. How would you characterise the relationship between the environmentalists and whalers? 12. Why does the author of the article finish the essay with a question?