44 Are you among the supporters of or the protesters against whaling? No big judgements can be made based on this only information. Hence, give the discussion the status of a pure language exercise. So, which circumstances will outweigh in making the decision? Share your opinions as a class.
1. Once we have committed ourselves to rescue the whale, we have to be consistent and see this cause through to the end.
| a) Humans cannot survive entirely outside their established food chains. Therefore, sustained whaling can be allowed. We eat meat and whale is the only variety up there.
2. Whale meat is not a necessity of life. People can well do without it.
| b) Lofoteners have lived there for generations. This is a way of life and an entire culture. We can't rule over those people.
3. Most environmental disasters are explained by "stark economic necessity". There are solutions.
| c) The Norwegian whaling fleet is too small to cause discernible damage to global whale populations.
4. Social and economic development does sometimes require entire regions and nations to reorientate their economies.
| d) Whaling is a macho job for courageous people. They won't find themselves a matching substitute.
5. The international community, governments and environmental organisations can find funds for relocation of the islanders and their new job placement on the mainland.
| e) The situation is less dramatic. Environmental organisations have purposefully created the boom to reap from it.
6. Whale hunting can be replaced by aqua farming. This won't affect the marine wildlife.
| f) Whales are just another wildlife species of the many that are ably and controllably hunted around the world.
7. Again, whale-hunting can be replaced by whale watching for tourists and earn comparable income. It's more environment-friendly.
| g) Banning whaling will create unemployment and broken destinies.
8. Whaling is an embarrassing circumstance for Norwegian diplomacy.
| h) Islanders have no immunity for various diseases, which are endemic in the bacteria-ridden “south”.
45 Write a summary of the class discussion on the appropriateness of whaling nowadays.