Legacy, riparian, reservoir, watercourse, tributary, tailings, contamination
59 Match the words in the left and right columns to restore the collocations from the text. Give the context where they are used.
60 Make a summary of the text above rearranging the information and add your own opinions to fit it under the following subheadings. · What the Scientists Are Saying · The Primary Sources of Disbalance · Disaster Modelling Results · So What If We Do Nothing? · We Can Take Action As a Nation · We Can Take Action as Individuals 61 Here comes an assortment of environmental activities. Figure out which activity will remedy which problem. Suggest opinions in well-developed sentences. ü improved practices for managing agricultural waste from intensive animal husbandry; ü improved regulatory system for pollutant discharge compliance and polluter responsibility; ü an assessment of Dnipro protected areas, priority ecosystems, and the legal policy for Dnipro basin biodiversity protection; ü assessments of agricultural practices and fisheries and aquaculture in relationship to biodiversity conservation; ü a regional strategy for protecting key habitats and species in the Dnipro Basin; ü projects to protect wetlands important for biological diversity; ü a series of legal, policy, and institutional reforms; ü a successful public awareness and environmental education campaign; ü a system of continuous professional training of experts in the field in question; ü a deeper involvement of NGOs and other community-based organisations in the region in Dnipro environmental issues; ü dissemination of information to the general public.
62 What principles of the Earth Charter should we refer to in our efforts to restore the might and beauty of the Dnipro river? Look through the principles 1-16 and explain your motivation. 63 In Part 2 you worked out a list of the negative factors and developments that directly or indirectly aggravate the Iberian lynx situation. The text above lists the problems in the Dnipro context. What is similar and dissimilar about the tasks awaiting solution in the two countries?