The sky is high and bright as it is usual in spring. Thereby under the brush of the talented artist the forgotten land turned into unforgettable. The ground is still cold but the air has been already heated up. But is it really so? The snow is wet and soft and it will melt any moment. The trees haven’t covered with the foliage yet but they have already awoken. One can say, “This is a typical Russian landscape!” Everything around is penetrated with light and the spring warmth. And gray colours don’t evoke despair any more.
We can hear the joyful cries of the came back rooks and feel warmth from the bright sunlight. The outstanding artist’s contemporary F.A. Vaciliev wrote that in the works «of the other painters there are also trees, water, and even air but the soul is only in “The Rooks”». The melancholy landscape has come back to life with the birds’ return. Not far in the distance there is a church and behind it there is the endless coming back to life after the long winter sleep the land of Russia.