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Questions for Discussion. 1. What word is called „native‟?


1. What word is called „native‟?

2. What does the term „a borrowed word / a borrowing‟ mean?

3. What is the diachronic division of native words?

4. What semantic groups are words belonging to the Indo-European stock divided into?

5. What words does the Common Germanic stock include?

6. What semantic groups does the Common Germanic stock contain?

7. What words refer to the English words proper?

8. What are native words characterized by?

9. What are the ways of borrowing?

10. What do the terms „direct borrowings‟ and „indirect borrowings‟ denote?

11. What is meant by the term „source of borrowing‟?

12. What is meant by the term „origin of borrowing‟?

13. What historical facts and events stipulated the great influx of borrowings from different languages?

14. What languages did the English language borrow words from?

15. What words belong to Romanic borrowings?

16. What words belong to Germanic borrowings?

17. What words belong to the first group of Latin borrowings (give a brief survey of certain historical facts)?

18. What words belong to the second group of Latin borrowings (give a brief survey of certain historical facts)?

19. What words belong to Celtic borrowings (give a brief survey of certain historical facts)?

20. What words belong to Scandinavian borrowings (give a brief survey of certain historical facts)?

21. What words belong to Norman borrowings (give a brief survey of certain historical facts)?

22. What words belong to Renaissance borrowings (give a brief survey of certain historical facts)?

23. What borrowings are called translation borrowings?

24. What is meant by „semantic borrowing‟?

25. What words are called international?



26. What does the term „assimilation of borrowings‟ denote?

27. What degrees of assimilation can be singled out?

28. In what cases can borrowed words be considered completely assimilated?

What are the peculiarities of completely assimilated borrowed words?

29. What borrowings are regarded as partially assimilated?

30. What is the principle of the classification of partially assimilated borrowed words?

31. What words are called unassimilated words or barbarisms?

32. What does the term „etymological doublets‟ imply?

33. What levels of the language system were influenced by borrowings?

34. What did the influence of borrowings on the phonetic structure of English words and the sound system result in?

35. What did the influence of borrowings on the word-structure and the system of word-building result in?

36. In what way did borrowings influence the semantic structure of English words?

37. In what way did borrowings influence the lexical territorial divergence?


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