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VB ( or Visual Basic )

Visual Basic is an interpreted, multi-paradigm language developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows platform. It has been evolving over the years and is seen as a direct descendant of Microsoft's old BASIC from the 1970's. Visual Basic is a good language for scripting Windows applications that do not need the power and speed of C#.

Weaknesses: Only runs in Windows

Python is an interpreted, multi-paradigm programming language written by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980's and intended for general programming purposes. Python was not named after the snake but actually after the Monty Python comedy group. Python is characterized by its use of indentation for readability, and its encouragement for elegant code by making developers do similar things in similar ways. Python is used as the main programming choice of both Google and Ubuntu.

Strengths: Excellent readability and overall philosophy
Weaknesses: None

C# is a compiled, object-oriented language written by Microsoft. It is an open specification, but rarely seen on any non-Windows platform. C# was conceived as Microsoft's premium language in its.NET Framework. It is very similar to Java in both syntax and nature.

Strengths: Powerful and pretty fast
Weaknesses: Only really suitable for Windows

JavaScript is an interpreted, multi-paradigm language. A very strange one too. Despite it's name, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Java. You will rarely, if ever, see this language outside of a web browser. It is basically a language meant to script behaviors in web browsers and used for things such as web form validation and AJAX style web applications. The trend in the future seems to be building more and more complex applications in JavaScript, even simple online games and office suites. The success of this trend will depend upon advancements in the speed of a browser's JavaScript interpreter. If you want to be correct, the real name of this programming language is ECMAscript, although almost nobody actually calls it this.

Strengths:it's the only reliable way to do client-side web programming
Weaknesses: it's only really useful in a web browser

Perl is an interpreted, multi-paradigm language written by Larry Wall in 1986. It is characterized by a somewhat disorganized and scary-looking syntax which only makes sense to other PERL programmers. However, a lot of veteran programmers love it and use if every day as their primary language. 10 years ago, Perl was more popular than it is today. Perl is perhaps still the best language for text processing and system administration scripting.

Strengths:text processing and system administration
Weaknesses: strange syntax, and perhaps too many ways to do the same thing

Ruby is an interpreted, object-oriented language written by Yukihiro Matsumoto around 1995. It is one of the most object-oriented languages in the world. Everything is an object in Ruby, even letters and numbers can have method calls. It's a great language to learn if you love objects. The only negative is that it's love of object-orientation makes it a bit slow, even for an interpreted language.

Strengths:Perhaps the world's most object-oriented language
Weaknesses: its superior object model comes at a price... namely speed

(based on: http://www.english4it.com)


12. Find English equivalents in the text:

Який повторно використовується, переносимість коду, незручний, неакуратний, ненадійний, інтерпретуюча програма, дивний, прямий нащадок, відступи для зручності читання, загальна філософія, створення сценаріїв поведінки браузера, перевірка веб- форми.



13. Complete the sentences with the words in bold type:

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