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English Russian Kazakh
poet- enlightener поэт-просветитель ақын-ағартушы
urge убеждение наным, сенім
depict изображать сипаттау
to be dedicated быть посвященным бірдеңеге арналу
to be endowed быть обеспеченным қамсыздандырылу
excessive чрезмерный өте
justice правосудие әділеттілік
edification назидание, наставление ақыл, ғибрат сөз, насихат
vice безнравственность жетесіз
chaban-herdsman чабан қойшы
sage мудрец дана
chapan-a man's overcoat or gown чапан шапан
kumyss- fermented mare's milk кумус қымыз
saba- leather bag for drinks кухонная утварь из кожи для кумысапосуда саба
yurta- round felt tent used by nomads of Central Asia юрта киіз үй

Home assignment:

1. Writing

Find out information about well-known from our country and write a short biographical account about one of a well-known person from our country from any field (politics, literature, entertainment, sports or arts).

2. Read and translate:

Word Forty-Four
He is the most miserable among men who has no aspiration. Yet there are aspirations of different kinds. Those who aspire to something are not all alike in their abilities and strength of will. Talented or not, all of them like to hear praise and are eager for praise, whether merited or not.

People mix with their own kind and sometimes confide their innermost thoughts to them. More often than not, they expect praise from those who live among, but not from complete strangers.

Some long for honour and respect, others yearn for wealth, no matter how they get it, whether by avarice or cunning. «He who has gained wealth has no sin.» Or, «He who is well-off has a beaming face.» This is what they say, knowing that no one is going to censure them for that. They see their honour and merit in wealth. Judging by their perverted ways, this is indeed so. Yet from the standpoint of humanity, this is one of the most obnoxious vices.
Some people are anxious to be lauded as brave men, saints or beys, while others don't mind being called clever tricksters. They will take a pride in notoriety and will try to gain some advantage even from this.
Everybody aspires to something or other, is eager to read, not books though, but people's faces. They watch intently, as if trying to feel your pulse, and reckon: «Well, this must be in favour today, and I could make some profit on that.»
Before gaining knowledge from books, it is first necessary to cleanse the soul and thoughts of filth and only then get down to reading.

If you prefer to read people's faces, there is no point in trying to purify your soul, for no one can see what you have in your soul. It is said: the more folds and notches your soul has, the more solid and invulnerable your prosperity will be. So, judge for yourself what to learn and what to aspire to.

Word Forty-Five
The proof of the existence of one I God, unique and omnipotent, is that for thousands of years people of different tongues have spoken of God, and, however many religions there might be, all consider that love and justice are the attributes of God.

We are not demiurges, but mortals who know this world by the things created. We are the servants of love and justice. And we differ from one another in how well we comprehend the creations of the Most High.
Believing and worshipping, we must not say that we can force others to believe and worship.
The source of humanity is love and justice. They are omnipresent and decide everything. They are the crown of Divine Creation. Even the way a stallion takes possession of a mare is a manifestation of love.
He who is swayed by the feelings of love and justice is a wise man and a learned man. Unable to invent science and learning, we can only behold and perceive the created world and understand its harmony by our reason.




Prepare a topic: “Kazakhs in the past”.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 688. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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