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Practical lesson № 19

Listening [1. p. 83]


1 A Excuse me, is there a bookshop near here?

B Er, sorry, I don’t think so. Er … what are you looking for?

A I’m looking for a guidebook. Is there anywhere round here where I might be able to get one?

B Actually, there aren’t very many bookshops in this town at all. I think there’s one in the centre but that’s all. But you might be able to get a guidebook at a newsagent’s. There’s one on the corner on the right, and another one a bit further on this way.

A Oh, right, thanks very much.


2 A Where shall we have lunch?

B What do you think, Albert? You know the restaurants here.

C Well, you could go to Garibaldi’s. The food’s wonderful – home cooking. You need time though – they’re a bit slow.

B We’re in a bit of a hurry cos we’re meeting Anna at 2.30.

C Well, there’s a Trattoria Marco – they do good pasta, and Roberto’s. Their fish is very good.

A I had pasts last night.

B Me too. Let’s go to the fish place then. Where exactly is it?


3 A There’s nothing on TV tonight. Why don’t you go and rent a DVD?

B Why don’t you go?

A OK, but if I go, I choose the film.

B No way. I don’t want to see another horror film in all my life.

A Well, you go then.

B We could both go and then get a takeaway for supper.

A OK then.


4 A Come in, sit down.

B Thank you.

A It’s James Baker, isn’t it?

B That’s right.

A Tell me a bit about the last hotel where you worked. You were head of reception, is that right?

B Yes, I was a receptionist for two years and then I got promoted to head of reception.

A But you do realize that this hotel’s much bigger than where you were before and the post vacant here is for a receptionist.

B Yes, yes I know.

A Why did you decide to get a job straight after school? I mean why did you decide not to carry on with your education?

B To be honest. I wanted to earn some money. But I’d like to do a diploma in tourism next year, may be studying part-time.


5 A Have you applied for university next year?

B Yes, I’ve got a place at Manchester to do medicine.

A Medicine? You’ve always said you wanted to do biology.

B Yes, but I’ve changed my mind. I don’t really want to work as a doctor, but I like to do medical research. And for that, the best thing is to study medicine.


I. Mark the sentences True/False.

1) There is a newsagent’s on the corner on the right.

2) A person wants to buy a book.

3) They are going to Garibaldi’s to have lunch.

4) They have much time to wait for the ordered dishes.

5) There are lots of things on TV tonight.

6) One of them is going out to get a DVD and something for the supper.

7) James Baker is in the job interview.

8) He was not a head of the reception in his previous job.

9) A person decided to do biology at Manchester.

10) He wants to become a doctor.


II. Answer the questions:

a) What did the person want to buy?

b) Where can he find a newsagent’s?

c) Why are they asking about restaurants?

d) Do they have much time for the lunch?

e) What do they want to do in the evening?

f) Is there anything interesting on TV tonight?

g) Did he work in the big hotel in the past?

h) What was the last position of the interviewed man?

i) Why did a person choose a medicine instead of biology?

j) Does he want to become a doctor?

III. Retell the text.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 578. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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