Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words AT THE SUPERMARKET
A large number of items on sale, the open display of goods, the possibility to buy everything in one shop and the swift service draw customers to such shops from the day they opened. The equipment on the sales floor, the packaging departments and in the storage premises is of the latest design. The optical and electronic scales have stepped up immeasurably the process of weighing a purchase, and determining the cost of a given weight. The special vacuum packaging ensures that foods retain their quality and look, up to 15 days, unimpaired. All the goods are prepared for sale in the packaging departments which are separated from the sales floor by windows, i.e., the customers can see the process. So things to bear in mind are:
2)You don't have to take your own shopping bag to the supermarket because you will be provided with large, strong plastic bags at the checkout. 3) Many people pay by check or by credit card. But some people still prefer to do shopping in small shops. The daily shopping route of many housewives includes visits to the baker's, butcher's, grocer's, greengrocer's, fishmonger's and a dairy shop. In the end of the route their bags are full of loaves of bread, meat cuts, packs with cereals, fruit, vegetables, fish and dairy products. Task 2. Translate the following words. Consult a dictionary huge, pyramid, assortment, confectionery, perishable, refrigerator, citrus, knick-knacks, deposit, automatic, purchase, equipment, immeasurably, vacuum, unimpaired, butcher's, fishmonger's, dairy, loaves, cereal.
Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text range, size and quality of goods huge sales floor confectionery goods perishables; dairy products trolleys knick-knacks deposit their purchases weight and cost in a flash draw customers packaging department storage premises of the latest design unimpaired to bear in mind self-serve basis at the checkout butcher's, fishmonger's, meat cuts packs with cereals dairy products
Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: надавати перевагу величезна торгова зала великий асортимент хлібобулочні вироби кондитерські вироби молочні продукти соки та сиропи холодильні камери консервовані овочі домашній дріб'язок швидке обслуговування приваблювати покупців обладнання вакуумна упаковка якість та зовнішній вигляд забезпечувати пластикові пакети вибирати кредитні картки булочна буханка хліба крупи робити покупки
Task 5. Find in the text the words and phrases which have the following meanings range- large -buyer - quick service - to put purchases - to speed up - to guarantee- to choose - bakery -
Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements true f or false? If they are false, give the correct statement 1. The assortment of goods at the supermarket is impressive…………………….. 2. Perishables are sometimes kept in reach-in refrigerator units…………………….. 3. Only food products are sold at the supermarkets………………………….. 4. Many items are sold ready-packed and customers can seethe process of packaging…………………………… 5. Each item has a label which indicates the date, price and cost………………………… 6. Many people can pay by check or by credit card……………………………… Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases from the brackets given below
The best ……………………………………. in Kyiv are Billa, Velyka Kyshenya, Tiko, Furchet, Megamarket. Although the name Velyka Kyshenya, which means big pocket, may imply that you need a lot of money ………………………………………... here, don't let it fool you. The …………………………………... are reasonable. In fact, the small and well-organized, air-conditioned ……………………………………. is the perfect place to shop. Big pocket has a discount card system that will save you 1 percent of your future …………………………………….. after spending your first Hr. 250. (purchases; food products; checkout counters; supermarkets; to shop;prices; store) aisle - прохід to fool - обманювати reasonable – помірний, недорогий discount card system- система використання дисконтних карток
Task 8. Look through the text again and answer the following questions
2. What can you say about the assortment of goods in these shops? 3. Where are perishables kept? Fresh vegetables and fruit? 4. What is attached to every item you buy there? 5. How do automatic tills help the cashier? 6. What scales are used to weigh a purchase and determine its cost? 7. What helps the foods sold there retain their quality and look unimpaired for 15 days? 8. What draws customers to such shops?, 9. Do you prefer to do your shopping in the small local shops or the bigstores and supermarkets? Why?
Task 9. Imagine that your mother gives you a shopping list, which you see below. Think in what shops you can buy these things and put the names of items in the graphs of the chart. Then sum up what you have written and say what and where you can buy 1. a loaf of brown bread 2. 1 large cod 3. 1 kg of pork 4. 3 lemons 5. 0,3 kg of ham 6. 1 small cabbage 7. a tin of condensed milk 8. a bunch of radishes 9. a drum of margarine 10. 0,5 kg of cheese 11. a bottle of vinegar 12. 2 medium-sized herrings 13. a tin of sardines in oil 14. 2 kg potatoes 15. biscuits 16. a bag of flour 17. 0,2 kg of butter
Task 10. Find the words below in the grid. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards.