Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words DEPARTMENT STORE Department Stores, large retail stores selling many different kinds of merchandise arranged in separate departments. Such stores are found in nearly every important city in the world and the large department stores often contain more than 100 separate departments. The first dry-goods store to become a department store was the Bon Marche, established in Paris in 1838, by the 1860 s. it resembled the modem department store in size, organization and administration. Printemps, established in 1885, also in Paris, was probably the first store to be opened as a department store. In the U.S. the trend toward transformation of dry-goods stores into department stores began in the 1860 s. and 70 s. Various economic and social changes that took place in the U.S. during the last decades of the 19th century ensured the success of the U.S. department story. The organization of a modem department store is often complex because of the large number of goods and services provided. Typically, the operation of a store is conducted through five principal divisions: the merchandising division, responsible for the buying and pricing of merchandise; the sales promotion division, in control of advertising, display, public relations, and other related matters: the personnel division, the operations division which supervises employment and the training and welfare of employees; responsible for customer and selling services, for deliveries, and for the receiving, marking, and maintenance of merchandise; and the finance and control division, which deals with accounting, customer credit, expense control and other financial matters. The heads or managers of the five principal divisions are responsible to the general manager. Department stores sell a wide assortment of goods. The "main departments are ready - made Gentlemen's, Ladies, Children's clothes, drapery, toys, household appliances, textiles, furs, footwear, hats, jewelry, sport goods, haberdashery, perfumery, gifts, China and glassware, stationary, furniture and others. The department stores doing with the goods they sell provide different «customer facilities»: credit, delivery, after - sales services, fitting - rooms, information desk, alterations, cloakrooms, phones, hairdressing, restaurants, snack bars, etc. They also run beauty demonstrations and fashion shows. On the ground floor of the department store there is always a large board on witch the layout of the store is written. The interior furnishings are chosen with good taste. The goods come from enterprises of the whole country and from abroad. The administration of the department store has direct contacts with manufactures. This enables them to meet the needs of the customers, better control quality and obtain new goods without delay. If the goods are damaged the customer can return them and refund of the payment made. The manager of the large department store and his assistant pay great attention to the flow of customer traffic, so they can plan the use of their space in the best possible way. You can buy there practically everything under one roof. So the number of new department stores increases from year to year.
Task 2. Translate the following words. Consult a dictionary retail, merchandise, separate, purchase typically, apparel, numerous, mailing, charge advertising, division, receiving, welfare, employee, maintenance, supervise, administration, assortment, financial, enable, facilities, available, delivery.
Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text goods; retail; customer; assortment; china and glass ware; stationery; delivery; turnover; the layout of the store; cheap; expensive; a counter; damaged; to increase; jewelry; drapery; shopping hours; a lunch hour; customer; traffic; fashing clothing; customer facilities; leather goods; sports goods; coats; knitwear; hats; furniture; hand bags; trousers.
Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents to Ukrainian words and word combinations прилавок, що розташований посеред зали служба доставки покупок додому демонстрація модного одягу конкурси краси дорогий товар дешевий товар товар (товари) покупка фірма з філіалами відділ продажу товарів у кредит додаткові послуги покупцеві товарообіг розташування відділів магазину готовий одяг продавець націнка завідуючий приділяти велику увагу за нормальною ціною послуг з перешивання одягу повернення обслуговування після продажу
Task 5. Match the words in column one with their synonyms in column two:
Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they are false, give the correct statement 1. Almost every city in the world has big department store -............................................. 2. These are small retail establishments consisting of several parts or departments -............................ 3. On the ground floor of the department store there is always a large board on which the layout of the store is written -.......................... 4. The administration of the department store hasn't direct contacts with manufactures.......................... 5. If the goods are damaged the customer can return them and refund of the payment made. -....................................... 6. The manager of the large department store and his assistant don't pay a great attention to the flow of customer traffic -......................................
Task 7. Find the words in the grid. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards or backwards.
Task 8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases from the brackets given below. The first............................................. for assistant every morning is to do his own................................................ so that later or when the store opens he (she) can show a customer clean, tidy, attractive...............................................: that's the way to make a........................................ It is necessary to dust the fixtures and see that the lights are working. If an early customer comes in a shop assistant leaves what he is doing at once and................................................ to the customer. The customer is the most.............................................. person in this business. Then................................................ to sort, the stock according to............................................. and......................................... and keep sizes and colours up to range in every style of the stock. An assistant also make sure that............................................. are securely hung on their hangers and don't slip off the rails. The manager of the large department store........................................ great....................................... to the....................................... of customer traffic. (attends, pay attention, flow, important, it is necessary, job, display, stock, properly, a sale, size and colour, all garments)
Task 9. Look through the text again and answer the following questions 1. What is a department store? 2. What is the organization of a modern department store? 3. When was established the first department store? 4. Where was it established? 5. What are the main department of the department store? 6. What customer facilities do the department stores provide? 7. What does the administration of the department store do to attract customers?
Task 10. Translate the following sentences into English 1. У великому універмазі продають різні товари. 2. Завідуючий відділом приділяє велику увагу потокові покупців. 3. Фірми продають велику кількість товарів і контролюють їх якість. 4. Товари розкладені на прилавках, що стоять посеред 5. Дорогі товари розміщують на верхньому поверсі. 6. Універмаг працює з 9 ранку до 8 вечора. 7. Обідня перерва в цьому магазині з 14 до 15 години. 8. Універмаг - це великий магазин роздрібної торгівлі, в продаються різноманітні види промислових товарів.