Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words ENGLISH AS A MEANS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION
People speak English not only in Great Britain and the United States. Britain has more than 56 million inhabitants who speak English as their native language. Altogether-about 3S0 million people in the world speak English as their first language. It is an official language in more than 60 countries and this means that another 160 million people use English as their second language. Over two thirds of the world's scientists write in English. Three quarters of the world's mail is in English. 85% of the information in computers in the world is in English, too. English is also the language of pop music, advertising and teaching. India has 15 main languages and hundreds of dialects, but English is the language of parliament, legal and medical professions. There are over a thousand newspapers in India in the English language. It is necessary for you to speak English if you work for an international airline. The control tower communicates with pilots all over the world in English. Almost all multi-national companies do business in English. When a German company director meets a customer from Greece to discuss anew project and to sign a contract, they talk to each other in the English language. Everywhere industrial companies label their products in English. It is not because Britain and the United States are the biggest export markets in the world, but because English has become an international language. But today it is not only an international language, it is also studied as a business language. In order to master business English you must first acquire a thorough knowledge of everyday English with its grammar, vocabulary and rules of word-formation. Then it will be easy for you to learn, step by step, the peculiarities of business English.
Task 2. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text не тільки більше ніж мешканці рідна мова офіційна мова світові вчені пошта світу сотні діалектів юридичні та медичні професії обговорювати новий проект підписати контракт промислові компанії для того щоб крок за кроком особливості
Task 3. Answer these questions 1. Name some countries where English is the first language. 2. Why is English so popular? 3. How many people altogether speak English? 4. What is the language of international business and why? 5. What are your reasons for studying this language? Task 4. Write the sentences and translate them
Task 5. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets 1.Please the last word. (say, understand, repeat) 2. I can read English but I cannot it. (say, tell, speak) 3. I know grammar well, but my is poor, (language, pronunciation, meaning)
Task 6. Answer the questions Do you study a foreign language? Do you speak English? Do you have English lessons every day? Are your lessons interesting? Are you sometimes tired after lessons? Why do you study foreign languages? Why cannot you speak English well? Why do you learn grammar? Task 7. Complete the following sentences 1. Is there anybody who speaks? 2. If you want to speak well, you. 3. The word combination "mother tongue" means. 4. English is spoken in. Task 8. Translate into English 1. Англійська мова — мій улюблений предмет. 2. Багато людей говорять англійською мовою. 3. Англійською мовою говорять у Великобританії, США, Канаді. 4. Чи ви розмовляєте англійською мовою? 5. Англійська мова є міжнародною. 6. Багато англійських слів мають кілька значень.
Task 9. Give synonyms to the words in bold type 1. What English-speaking countries do you know? 2. What is his mother tongue? 3. To know a foreign language is very important nowadays. 4. He knows French very well. 5. Can you translate this sentence?
Task 10. Make up you own dialogues using the following word combinations mother tongue, to speak a little, to study English, vocabulary, be of great importance, have a good command of.
Task 11. Translate into English the following sentences paying attention to the nouns 1. У нашій майбутній роботі дуже важливе знання англійської мови. 2. Як ви сподіваєтеся скласти іспит з англійської мови цього року? 3. Я почав вивчати англійську мову ще в школі. 4. Тепер діти починають вивчати англійську мову самостійно. 5. Ви добре володієте англійською мовою. 6. Я хотів би мати міцні знання з розмовної англійської мови. 7. Запам'ятайте мою пораду: чим більше ви будете спілкуватися іноземною мовою, тим ви навчитеся розмовляти нею.